~chapter 8~

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  The tent is bigger than it looks when walking in. There were coolers for fish and all sorts of berries. In the front was a computer for communication and time. They told us my mom called them telling them about us and that's how George and Henry found us. Outside of the big tent, or as they call it, the main tent, there were smaller ones scattered around for sleeping quarters. There weren't enough for everyone so we split into groups of guys and girls. For dinner, Uncle and I made a fire while Henry, Jax, and Ryan went fishing at a lake close by. About an hour later, the boys come back with three salmon and George is helping the twins prepare it. Soon everyone is gathered by the fire and talking while the fish cooks.
"Uncle", I start to say. "How did you meet Henry and George." He looks into the fire as if he's looking for the memory in it. "Well, as I was trying to escape and get to the tunnel. I saw two boys sitting in the middle of the war zone crying next to a dead woman.". He sighs and goes on to say, "I couldn't just leave them there to die like she did, so I told them to come with me. Turns out, that woman was their mom, and I took them under my wing. Taught them to fish, make a fire, cook and prepare a fish, just like tonight when they taught you." My heart sinks a little bit when I turn to face the brothers. Their heads are hung down in pain from the memory creeping back into their minds. I walk over and they move to look at me. "I lost my dad in the war.", I tell them. The three of us embrace out of heartache for our lost ones. Then the whole group joins in, which makes me feel a little better.

Everyone goes to their assigned tent. The twins and I can't sleep so we decide to turn on a flashlight and just gossip. "Okaaaayyyy soooo...", Chloe says. "Who's got the hots for George?", she winks and Zoe somewhat blushes, which we both see. "Omg seriously?", I say. "What about Ryan?", Chloe giggles. "Well. I mean yea him and I have history and stuff, and he definitely has a cute butt.". We all start laughing. She continues, "But I just don't think him and I are right for each other anymore.". The three of us hug and I say, "if that's how you feel then I'll support you.". "I will too.", Chloe chimes in. We then lay down and get settled to go to bed.

The morning came quickly and I had an unfortunate waking to Zoe dumping water on me. I jump awake and say angrily, "What was that for?!". "You wouldn't get up when we called you.", she replies. I looked around to see everyone laughing. I get up and dry off with a shirt and change into some dry clothes in my tent. For breakfast, the brothers gathered some berries and some fish. Uncle came out of the main tent and joined us for breakfast. "Alex.", he turns to me. I stop eating and look to him. "Would you like to contact your mom?". My eyes widen and a smiles grows on my face. "Yes please, Uncle!". I quickly finish breakfast and rush to the tent. "I can only get the channel for three minutes before the government can track the system.", he exclaims. I nod, and he turns to the channel. It rings for a second and then I see mom. Tears form into my eyes and my throat feels like it's swelling. "Hi, sweetie.", she says. She looks so healthy and I don't see any drinking signs. "Hi, Mom.", I choke out. "I really miss you.". "I miss you too, Alex. I've been taking classes to help with drinking. I'm keeping my promise to you.", she smiles. "I've noticed, Mom. You look great.". Uncle taps my shoulder and I nod slightly. "I've got to go now, Mom. But I really miss you.", I say, getting tears again. "I know you do, I miss you too. I love you, Alex.", she says. "I love you too, Mom.". The hologram disappears and a tear rolls down my cheek. Uncle puts an arm around me and I hug him. "I miss her, too, Alex.", he says understanding my tears. "But soon you'll see her again, and so will I.

By lunchtime, the brothers come up with a game. Everyone splits into a red team and blue team. Because there's an odd number, there is a team of four. I'm part of the red team with Henry, Jax, and Zoe. Henry is our team captain and explains what's happening. "We've decided to make lunchtime a game. Today we will be going hunting. About a mile away from camp, the forest gets much denser, which means more prey. We will be making all of our weapons and catching anything we can. Each animal is a certain amount of points. Fish is one, rabbit is worth three, and dear is five points. Any questions, comments or concerns?", Zoe raises her hand. "What if I don't like killing animals?", she says. "Then just try to help us surround the animal like dear and make the weapons.", Henry says. Zoe nods and we head into the trees.

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