~chapter 2~

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  After Zoe explained the plan, there was a long pause. Then I speak up and say, "if we do this, I think we need the whole gang.". "You just want to take this in order to see Jax.", Zoe smirks and winks at me through the hologram. My cheeks start to flush. "T- that's not true!", I stutter. Then Chloe chimes in from the background, "sure.", she says sarcastically. We all giggle. "Seriously though, if we want to pull this off we need to get the boys." I said. They both nod in agreement.

It's Saturday. Tonight is when we agreed to sneak out and go outside. I call Jax today to tell him the plan and Zoe is going to call Ryan. Ryan was in Baseball when we still went to school. Zoe and him have been together off and on with each other for about a year now.

I dial Jax's number, and my heart is pounding. My hands get get clammy while the watch rings. "Hello?", he answers. "H- hey, Jax. It's Alex." Idiot, of course it's me, I'm a hologram. As I talk more about Zoe and Chloe's plan, my nerves start getting calmer.

I look at Jax after I'm done talking and his eyes are a little wide in shock. "Go outside?". He says it mainly to himself so I don't answer. There was a pause of awkward silence but I break it and say, "so.. Are you in?". He looks at me and just nods. I smile and I can tell some wheels turning in his head. Curiously I ask him what he's thinking. "I might have a place where we can hideout."

Later that night when it's time to sneak out, I call Zoe to tell her and Chloe about where Jax said we can hideout. It was an abandoned apartment building, but the top was gone because of the war. It was ten minutes away from our old school and we decided to meet there. If we made it, anyway. I look at my alarm clock and it's five minutes away from ten. I change into an all black suit and some combat boots. I have two more minutes so I grab a bag and my jacket and slip downstairs to get a few snacks. It's time to go and I slowly walk to the door. I take a deep breathe and count down softly to myself, 3.. 2.. 1.. And I step out.

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