~chapter 7~

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The morning sun shone through the window, waking everyone up. Zoe yawns, "Good morning, guys." She says stretching her arms out and sitting up. Ryan stands up and takes a drink of water then passes it around to everyone. Once we've had breakfast, we start to explore the school in hopes of finding more supplies. We found the athletic hallway and play around with soccer balls, football, and racing around the court. The girls and guys split up to look around the changing rooms. "What if we find some clothes?" Chloe asks with hope. "Ooooh, and showers!" I respond. We walk in and find that in fact, there are showers. We test them and they still have water running out. We all look at each other with big smiles on our face. While the showers get hot, we search for clothes and maybe even new shoes. "Guys!" Zoe shouts. "Come over here!". We rush over to her and follow where she's looking. Jack pot! There were shirts and shorts of all sizes. Even though we didn't find any new shoes, we were still happy to finally be able to change into better clothes. After a warm shower, I felt much better and didn't realize how dirty I felt and was. We had to use used towels, but it was better than air drying. We changed and came out of the room to find the boys. They didn't have any new clothes but there were showers. I came up with the idea of them going into the girl's room to find some clothes since there were so many. About a minute later they came out with some that fit. It was a really slow day so all we did was explore the school and we'd find some spots to sit, talk and eat.

"Sir, we found them.", the woman says through an intercom. "You won't like where they are though.", in more hushed voice. "Where are they?", the man responds back through. "They went outside the borders.", she says in a small voice. The man hangs up angrily and walks out of his office, slamming the door behind him and turns right. He knocks on the second door on the left and then walks in. A boy, about seventeen or eighteen, is sitting on a bed reading a book. "Peyton.", the man calls. The boy looks up, "yes, sir?". "I need you to do something for me.". The boy smiles mischievously.

Later that night, we head upstairs to the library. We move some tables and move into a circle and talk until we fall asleep. The sun starts shining and I'm still half asleep when I hear some strange voices. I don't recognise them as any of my friends. I open my eyes halfway and see two grown men whispering, trying not to wake us. Their figures are a bit blurry but then they stop talking and turn around grabbing stuff from a black bag. The first thing I think was, 'weapon', and I jump to my feet and race for Jax's gun. They see me do this and stop what they were doing. I look at them and back to the bag in confusion when I only see pots and pans and not a gun. I lower the gun slowly, still a little cautious about both of them. "Who are you?", I question. One of the men, who looks close to his twenties, responds, "we escaped during the war.". My eyes widen and remember mom telling me about some people who escaped. "I'm George and this is my brother Henry.". I shake my thoughts from my head and look at them both. Henry looks a little closer to our age and has brown eyes and dirty blonde hair, but George has darker brown hair and the same brown eyes. "I'm Alex.", I say to both of them. "What were you going to do with those.", pointing to the bag of pots and pans. They look to the bag and laugh. I tilt my head curiously and they look back at me, still smiling, "we were going to use them to wake you all up.", Henry says. "But before we could, you pulled a gun on us.". I blush with embarrassment and they chuckle. Then an Idea pops up and I say, "well why don't we now.". They look at each other and nod, and George passes us different pots, pans and a few spoons.

Soon enough everyone wakes up to George, Henry and I banging around the utensils loudly. They all sit upright scared and angry. We stop and start laughing at their faces. I go on to explain to everyone who George and Henry are, then Henry speaks, "we have a camp not too far from here. We were sent to come get you." Everyone looks at each other with the same look of confusion but decided to go with them. My gut told me that we could trust them, and that if they wanted to kill us, they would've done so already.

We get to the camp and it's a tent made from a big tarp that's waterproof so it won't leak. It's dark green which helps to blend in. A man came out of the tent and I recognised him almost immediately. "Alex!", he says with joy. "Uncle!", I ran over to him and we embrace.

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