~chapter 12~

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My eyes go big and my mouth jolts open, but I quickly shut it. I turn to Jax, fear spread across his whole face. I look back at Victoria and see a playful smile dancing on her lips. During school, Victoria and Jax were a very off and on couple. But eventually Jax got tired of her games and left for good. She got kinda crazy because she threatened every girl Jax even looked at, especially me since him and I were pretty close and in the same friend circle. Victoria is really pretty too and now that she's back, I may never get to be with him. She walks over and sits in the empty seat which, of course, is next to Jax. Peyton proceeds, breaking me out of my thoughts, which is a good thing. "Now we can all eat breakfast."

The servers come out with big metal trays full of delicious smelling foods. They serve us our food, and I turn to Jax and whisper, "umm, Jax. Can we maybe talk about last night.", my face blushes pink hearing those words come out of my mouth. I see him turn a shade of pink too, but it goes away. He bends down and whispers back, "I would like that, but it will have to be tonight. I'll come to you.", I can hear the grin on his lips and it makes me blush again. Victoria notices and glares. "What are y'all too whispering about?", there's poison in her tone and I know it's directed toward me. "Oh, umm Jax was talking to me about how good this food looks.", I let out a nervous laugh. I look down and start cutting my food. She seems unsure but goes back to eating. The rest of breakfast was quiet and awkward.
Once breakfast was over, we were dismissed back to our rooms to get changed into something more formal. Peyton was finally taking us somewhere over the border. There were two black vans like the ones before, when he found us. I was both nervous and excited on where he was taking us. Jax, Zoe, Peyton and I rode in one and the rest went in the other. He had a big grin on his face and wouldn't tell us where we were going. Once everyone was settled he signaled the driver and we drove off through the gates and outside.
"We've been driving for hours, Peyton. Where are we going?," Zoe blurts out with frustration to her voice. He rolls his eyes. "It's a surprise. You should be glad I'm taking you somewhere other than keeping you in that stuffy mansion." He does a different signal and the driver comes to a stop. We look at each other confused. The windows are tinted and we can't see anything until the door opens and the sun floods to our eyes too quickly. In front of us is a giant tower in the middle of a jungle- like area. "This is one of our many secret hideouts.", Peyton says with a hint of cockiness. As we head inside we see tons of shops and restaurants, but no other people except the ones working and us.

  Peyton tells us to gather in a semi circle to tell us that we'll be staying her for a few days while he gets the rest of our trip sorted. We all get in groups, the boys together and the girls, and he hands us only one key. Peyton and Victoria each get their own rooms, which is fine by me. The elevator is too small for everyone so we go in our groups to where we'll be staying. The elevator is made of glass and as we go up we can see each floor. The others look like tiny ants the further up we go.

The elevator dings and as we get out, we stare in awe at the elegant decor of the hallway. Our rooms are on the fifth floor with the girls on the right and boys to the left. The walls are a light sandy tan color with a deep red carpet and lots of art work in between the rooms. It's completely silent except our occasional whispers or our footsteps. "So," Zoe whispers, "how many bodies did they use to stain the carpet?". I let out a giggle but before Chloe could scold her twin, someone behind us answers. "I don't know, but with this much carpet it must be quite a few." Zoe jumps at the sound of his voice and we all turn to see Peyton behind us with a big grin on his face. Zoe glares at him for scaring her and continues to walk to our room. We stop at door number 521, the numbers are golden and I question whether it's painted or actual gold. We unlock it and take in the beautiful sight of our room. In front of us is a window taking up the entire wall with a balcony attached. There are three beds to the right with nightstands in between and on the left is a luxury bathroom with a full bath, a walk in shower, a toilet with a golden lid, and each of us has their own sink with a mirror stretched across the the whole wall. The carpet is the same deep red as the hallway with matching comforters and tile is a bright white like the sheets and pillows. "A girl can get used to this," Chloe says flopping down onto the middle bed. "I'm still impressed with how luxurious they made that toilet seat." Zoe comments back. We all laugh and sit down on our beds. "Hey what's this?", I say picking up a black bar. Before someone answers, a screen pops up and a TV comes out of the wall. We look at each other and smile but before we have a chance to use it there's a knock at the door. I put the remote down and walk over to answer it. "Hello?" I say. But there's no one there. I take a step out to look around and kick a cardboard box. I pick it up and close the door, "That was weird." "Who was it?", the twins ask in sync. "No one. I just found a box outside our door." "Oooh open it!", Zoe exclaimed excitedly. I use the key to our room to cut the tape off and open it to find three gorgeous silk dresses and a note that reads, "three gorgeous dresses for the prettiest girls here. Please wear them to dinner tonight at 8 o'clock. Go the to restaurant called 'Savannah's' on the second floor." I set the card down and pull out the dresses. A red, green, and violet, each of them are alike with a silky fabric and spaghetti straps. They go down to the ankles as if the person knew our measurements were all similar. We look at each other wanting to know who it is that got these dresses, but shrug it off and got ready for the night. We look through the walk- in closet and found heels with another tag. "Don't worry about who I am. I'll reveal myself very soon. P.S. you didn't think I'd get you girls beautiful gowns without the right shoes did you?" The heels were all golden and sparkly with straps forming an elegant pattern around the foot. And of course each of them were our correct shoe size and fit perfectly.

As we went down the elevator, we saw Savannah's on the second floor directly across from us. As we head inside we see chandeliers hanging from a high ceiling and the others waiting at a long table all staring at us as we glide over to them in our dresses. My eyes meet directly at Jax's and he saved a seat next to him for me. His outfit isn't quite as formal as mine, but he still looks amazing as always. Once we sit down,  the waiters come out with the menus amd dinner begins.

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