(19) The Horrible Nightmare

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Kirk’s scent was all over me. I didn’t notice it until I was safely tucked away in Colt’s apartment but as soon as I did I felt disgusting. The thought of having Kirk’s scent on my skin made me feel vile and tainted all at the same time, it made me sick. What was even more horrifying was the fact that it hadn’t even been me who had noticed the stench, it was Jackie.

I felt absolutely mortified when she pointed it out. How could I, a werewolf with an acute sense of smell, have not noticed it? Sure I could blame it on the fact that I had been out in public and the smell was masked because of the city but to not notice it when I reached Colt’s apartment was just wrong. Everything from the couch in the living room to the closet in his bedroom smelt of clover and wood, it was Colt’s scent, and now here I was tainting it.

After I started throwing a fuss about the way I smelt Jackie, thankfully knew what to do about it. She stayed long enough to show me how to use Colt’s rain maker, or shower as she called it, and even hung up my clothes in Colt’s closet. While she had been hanging up the clothes she told me that I should go to Lou Pine’s bar when Colt came back so that she and Linc could tell us that they were expecting. Of course I tried to get out of that one because going to Lou Pine would most likely end up with a conflict with Six and I already knew that she was pregnant so it was pointless for me to go.

Boy had that gotten her all riled up. For the next half hour she drilled me about how Colt still didn’t know she was carrying and how I needed to get to know the pack better in case I had another run in with Kirk. With those two points on her side it didn’t take a lot of convincing from her end to finally make me agree to go. Shortly afterwards Jackie went home and left me alone with the mechanical shower.

Following the instructions that she had given me it didn’t take long for me to get the shower running. I striped out of Colt’s clothes as slowly as I possibly could and then placed them carefully down next to the sink. I ran my fingers over the worn in fabric of his T-shirt with a sad smile on my face. This would most likely be the last time that I would ever get to wear his clothes again and for an odd reason it made me slightly depressed. Maybe it was because I had grown accustom to wearing loosely fitted clothes or maybe it was because wearing them had made me feel like he was always with me.

The hot shower was definitely a new and thrilling experience for me, especially since it helped to wash away Kirk’s stench. I followed Jackie’s instruction as best I could and washed my hair and body. Once I was finished with my shower I used the towel to dry my body before getting dressed. Thankfully Jackie had laid out an outfit for me to wear because otherwise I would have been completely lost. After putting on the dark jeans and white long sleeve shirt I did what was becoming my daily routine.

I fell asleep on the couch and waited for Colt to come home.


It was strange to dream about the forest and what was even odder was the fact that my dream took place at the lake where Colt and I had first met, but Colt wasn’t with me this time. In my dream it was just me, me and the lake. I just stood there next to the pond looking at my own reflection. When I first looked into the pond I was surprised to see that my wolf had grown. My shaggy pelt was replaced with a thick and lustrous one, my scrawny build was now filled out and toned, and my once meek demeanor was now brimming with confidence.

I looked down at my new wolf reflection with pride. This was the kind of wolf I needed to be because this was the kind of wolf that could become an Alpha and this was a wolf that could lead a pack. I wasn’t sure exactly how or what had caused me to morph into this proud, strong, and confident wolf but whatever had helped me to achieve it definitely had my gratitude.

Slowly a dark figure started to loom behind my reflection. I squinted my eyes to try to get a better look at the figure but the water suddenly turned black. My instincts began going haywire at that point by telling me that I needed to run away, that I needed to get out of there as soon as possible, but for some reason I ignored it. When a deep and bone chilling laugh sounded from behind me, I instantly regretted my decision.

My head snapped in the direction of the laugh and instead of coming face to face with a human I saw a tall black shadow. The creature I was a looking at however was definitely not human for it had no mouth, it had no eyes, and barely even had a solid form. This strange creature however did manage to look extremely threatening, especially when it began to slowly creep its way closer to me. Acting purely on instinct now I did what any wolf would have done when cornered by something unknown. I became defensive.

My hackles rose up to give off an image of me being bigger and then my lips curled back into a snarling to help showcase my deadly fangs. At first I had hoped that this would at least make the creature hesitate for a moment before continuing forward but that I had failed I did the next best thing. I ran.

Or at least that is what I tried to do but my feet weren’t taking me anywhere. My legs were moving across the ground as fast as they could but the monster was still behind me and the scenery wasn’t changing. I could feel the last shred of sanity slowly slip away as fear pumped its way into my veins. What was going on?

I glanced over my shoulder and realized that the monster was no longer there. Instead of a tall black creepy shadow there was something much worse. It was Kirk. He was dressed in all black besides the small silver moon amulet that he wore around his neck. As if he knew that I was staring at it he instantly raised his hand up and grasped it in his fist. From there my eyes traveled up from his neck to his cold black eyes and I was instantly filled with a feeling of dread. What was he going to do to me?

His dark laugh filled the night air as he slowly made his way over to me. Once he reached me he did something odd. He kneeled down beside me and smiled. It wasn’t one of his regular smiles that normally made my stomach upset or put me on edge but rather it was a sad smile. The eyes that I had normally viewed as being cold and heartless looked as if they were filled with pain and sorrow.

My racing heart beat started to slow down at the sight of him. Part of me was still on edge because I had no clue whether or not he was faking his emotions while another part of me felt concerned. Every time I had encounter Kirk he had always been filled with hatred and rage. To see him kneeling next to me with such a sad expression really pulled on my heartstrings.

“It’s okay to be afraid.” He spoke in a soft calming voice. “It’s better for you to be afraid.”

One minute I was sitting there looking at him from my wolf form and the next I was kneeling down beside him in my human skin. I was wearing a long white dress that covered the ground around me like a ring of soft flowers. I reached out to Kirk and took his hand into mine. My thumb began to rub circles into his skin as if I was trying to comfort him.

“I’m not afraid of you right now.” I whispered in a soothing voice. Kirk smiled dully at me before leaning over and brushing a piece of my hair away from my forehead.

“Oh Allie,” He spoke softly. “I wasn’t telling you to me afraid of me. I was telling you to be afraid of him.”

I could feel the frown that formed on my face in confusion over what he was saying. If I wasn’t supposed to be scared of him and then who? I was just about to ask him who I was supposed to be afraid of when he suddenly flipped the amulet on his neck.

Darkness clouded around his body, wrapping him with think black clouds until he was nothing but a black blob. Fearing that he was being hurt or worse I started calling out his name. When he didn’t reply back I reached into the darkness. When my arm disappeared into the pitch black void I could feel the bitter cold of it stinging the length of my arm. Instinctively I pulled my arm out when I could no longer handle the intense pain.

Just as I had pulled my arm out of the void it slowly began to dissipate and I started to make out a body kneeling on the inside. I cried Kirk’s name out relieved that he was okay and went to reach for him again. My hand was just about to brush against his upper arm when suddenly his hand latched onto my wrist. A crack sounded through the forest followed by my own screams from the pain of having my wrist broken.

The black shadows faded away from his face to reveal that it wasn’t Kirk at all hiding in the darkness. It was Colt. His once loving and caring face was twisted into something monstrous. His once sweet smiles were wicked and spiteful, and his once gorgeous green eyes were as black and empty as Kirk’s had once been.

“No,” I started shaking my head in disbelief while tears streamed down my cheeks. “Dear god, no.”

Colt’s wicked smile grew wider at the sight of my tears and suddenly he was laughing. “The look on your face is priceless!” He tightened his grip on my broken wrist before twisting it even more. I cried out at the unbearable pain I felt coursing up my arm and even tried to yank my arm out of his grip but it was pointless.

“You didn’t honestly think that I was the good guy in all of this did you?” He laughed evilly before yanking me closer to him, and me being completely helpless against his strength ended up falling against his hard chiseled chest.

I wanted to say something to him. Anything to make him let go of my arm and return back to the man that I had called my mate but all I could manage to do was cry and scream at the pain mental and physical pain. My wet cheeks and screams of pain only added to his amusement.

Colt raised his other hand to my drenched cheek and ran the tips of his fingers over it. “My dear sweet innocent Allie, I’m sorry to say that I’ve grown quite bored of you. I thought that a wild child like you would hold my interest longer than the others had and for a time you did but it seems that you’re usefulness has come to an end. Due me one little favor though when you die.”

He reached down and took my chin in his hand before raising it up so that I could meet his gaze. His cold black eyes dug holes into my very soul while he just sat there and smiled. “Say hello to Hailey for me.”


“Allie! Allie!” Colt screamed at me while shaking my body back and forth on the couch. “Allie it’s just a dream. Wake up!”

When my eyes landed on Colt’s hard face and I instantly started screaming again but this time it was louder. The fear and distress was clear in my actions once I started scratching and kicking at him, trying my hardest to get him away from me. He’s trying to kill me. He’s trying to kill me. The thought just kept repeating itself over and over again in my head until I believed that he really was.

“Get away from me.” I screamed at him.

I could see the confusion and pain that started to play behind his green eyes but none of it registered to me because in my mind I was still living my nightmare. I managed to get him to loosen his hold on one of my arms and knocked him in the jaw with my elbow. The hit didn’t even faze him. Colt brought my arms in between our bodies before wrapping his own arms around my back and holding on tightly. I screamed and squirmed against him, trying desperately to get my arms free but it was useless.

Colt brought his head down to the side of mine and started whispering something in my ear but I was too hysterical to listen. It took me a good ten minutes to finally stop struggling against him and when that happened I just broke down and cried. Colt must have realized when I had settled down because the next thing I knew I was sitting in his lap and he was rocking the both of us while he quietly continued to whisper comforting nothings in my ear.

After my whole meltdown was finally over I nudged my head under his chin and took a deep breath. This was the real Colt, and the other was just a dream. This Colt smelt of clover, wood and metal. The other had no scent. This Colt is caring and strong while the other is nothing more than a nightmare. The real Colt is the one I call my mate. He is the one I love.

“Have you finally calmed down?” He asked cautiously.

I breathed in his scent one more time before nodding my head against him. “Yeah, I’m okay now.”

“Good.” His warm calloused hands ran up the length of my back and into my hair. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

I curled myself deeper into his embrace and let his warmth wash over me. “Not really but do you mind if I ask you a few things?”

He ran his fingers gently through my hair. “Go ahead.”

I took another deep inhale of his scent to calm my nerves before asking. “Are you bored of me?”

“After the stunt you just pulled?” He laughed. “Definitely not.”

I frowned into his chest. “That’s not really answering my question.”

Colt leaned his chin down on the top of my head before he sighed. “No Allie I’m not bored with you.”

“Okay,” I nodded. “Should I be afraid of you?”

“Does this have something to do with your dream?” I could feel Colt’s grip tightened around me at the question. “Were you afraid of me?”

I tightened my grip on his shirt. “I was but answer the question anyway.”

He rubbed his hand against my upper arm. “No, you have no need to be afraid of me Allie.”

“That’s good.”

He lifted his head off of mine and before nudging my head up with his hand. “I can promise that I will never intentionally hurt you Allie, but that doesn’t mean that I haven’t done a few things in the past that won’t.”

I frowned at his statement. “You mean like Kirk?”

I could see the way that Colt clenched his jaw at the name but he nodded his head anyway. “Yes, like Kirk.”

“Will you tell me what you did to make Kirk so mad?”

Colt dropped his hand from my chin and slowly started to distance himself away from me. “No I can’t.”

He spoke in a very serious-no nonsense tone but still I tried to pry. “Does it have something to do with Hailey?”

“I’m done answering these questions.” He ran his hand through his dark hair before getting up off of the couch. “You seem to be back to your normal self now anyway.”

I whined. “But Colt-

“I said that I was done.” He snapped. “and that’s final.”

Colt then stomped his way over the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I jumped a little bit at the loud smacking noise that the door made and then frowned at myself for jumping. I blamed my jitters on the nightmare I just had and called it a day. That horrible nightmare had really thrown me off. To have Kirk be the victim and Colt the villain was something that I never would have imagined in a hundred years and yet it had happened.

What was even more puzzling then the dream was the fact that Colt still wouldn’t tell me about what happened to between him and Kirk, or Hailey for that matter. Were the two connected or did they have nothing to do with one another? I glared at the bathroom door as soon as I heard the shower turn on. Why was he refusing to answer those simple questions? He had to know that I was bound to find out sooner or later.

A smile started to form on my lips at the thought. There had to be someone else that could answer my questions besides Kirk and Colt and I’m guessing that the perfect place to look for that someone would be at Lou Pine’s bar.

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