(32) The Epilogue

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  • Dedicated to To those who voted for a happy ending

I sat on the edge of the bed cradling Elena in my arms. The newborn was small, soft, fragile, and adorable all rolled into one. Her lips were fair and her hair was as dark as mine but the color of her eyes remained a mystery for the three day old pup. I wonder in anticipation if they would be hazel like mine or a brilliant green like her father’s.

“If you keep staring at her like that Allie, she’ll never open her eyes.” Colt said as he stepped into the bedroom with the glass of water that I wanted but had yet to ask for.

“Jackie’s kid opened his eyes up on the first day he was born.” I sighed and looked up at him. “It’s been three days and she still hasn’t opened them up. Do you think something is wrong with her?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to compare her to Raijin. That demi-God is a little shit throwing lightning bolts and shocking the hell out of people.” Colt set the glass down on nightstand before taking a seat beside me. The bed dipped under his weight and I found myself leaning against his warm strong body. I felt his hot breath caress the side of my head right before he pressed his lips firmly against my temple. “She’s perfect Allie, there is nothing wrong with her and she’ll open her eyes when she’s ready.”

I let out a sigh knowing that he was right. “It’s just I can never tell if she’s sleeping or awake.”

“I know.” He huskily said as he wrapped his arms around me and his daughter. “Just try not to let it bother you so much, I’m sure she’ll open then soon enough.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I said and rocked our daughter gentle in my arms. “So how are things going with Hailey and Kirk?”

He let out a groan and leaned his head against my shoulder. “They still hate me if that’s what you’re asking.”

“They don’t hate you.”

“Kirk does.”

I rolled my eyes. “Well Hailey said that she’s working on him so keep trying.”

I felt his smiled pressing into my shoulder. “I don’t even know why you are having me do this. You know things can never go back to the way they used to be with him and I.”

“Well Jackie, Hailey, and I would like to have at least one family get together without you guys trying to kill each other.”

“It’s an occupational hazard when there are two Alpha’s in one room.”
I scoffed. “Last time I checked I was still Alpha of the Silverbacks.”

He nipped at my earlobe before slowly leading a trail of kisses down my throat. “Go put Elena to bed and I’m sure we can have a proper wrestle over the title.”

I let out a giggle. “A wrestle like that may just lead to more pups you know.”

His tongue flickered out from between his teeth and licked along my jaw line. “I did promise you lots of them didn’t I?”

Feeling the flicker of passion warm up my stomach I turned my head to the side and smashed my lips against his. “I guess I’ll be right back then.”

He let out a feral growl and nipped at my chin. “Better be.”

I quickly picked myself up from the bed and wondered out into the hallway. The soft carpet floor ate up the sounds of my hurried footsteps. Using my elbow, I turned on the nursery’s light. The room was a light purple color with flowers and butterflies covering the walls and decorating the crib. Colt had worked on it for a week straight before the baby was born and hadn’t let me look at it until after she was here.

I remembered the feelings of awe, warmth, and unimaginable love when I had first seen it and standing in the room now I felt them all creeping back. Gently I leaned over the side of the crib and placed Elena down, making sure to mind her neck as I went about it. When she was settled I took a step back and just looked at her. Her pales baby cheeks were flushed red, making her bright pink lips blossom in comparison. She was the most perfect and beautiful thing in the whole world and just looking at her filled me with so much happiness that I could barely contain it.

I leaned down over the side of the crib and pressed my lips against her forehead. “I love you.” I whispered softly before pulling away. Her face scrunched together for a second and she started to squirm. For a moment I thought she was going to get fussy but then something amazing happened. Her eyes flickered open revealing the most gorgeous pair of green eyes. I felt my heart swell as I stared into those magnificent green orbs. Absolutely perfect.

A Little something extra for all of you that voted for the perfecting ending XD Thank you again

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