(2) The Fatal Encounter

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My blood was pounding in my ears and my legs sprung out in every direction jerking me to a stop on the hard black ground. The sounds and quick moving objects were so paralyzing that I didn’t even see the car heading straight for me. An ear cracking honk blasted over on my side and I whipped my head in its direction. I had to move. I knew I did but my body was too frozen in fear to do anything. Everything inside of me was screaming for me to do something…anything but all I could do was wait for the car to hit.

At the last possible second however someone yanked me off of the road. I yelped at the pain of being grabbed by the fur but the sound didn’t even get the chance to escape my mouth. Strong arms wrapped themselves tightly around me as we fell back onto the sidewalk. Through a small gap I was able to watch as the red metal beast honked again before it sped away.

My breathing was so labored that it made my entire body quake with each painful breath. My heart was ramming into the sides of my chest and my mind was blank with shock. I’m alive right?

“What the hell were you thinking?” I jerked my head back up to see the man that had saved my life twice now. His eyes were filled with rage as he glared down at me, his mouth drawn in a firm line and his square jaw was set. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

The anger that filled his voice would have made me tremble if it hadn’t been already. The image of the car coming towards me, the rush of adrenaline pumping through my veins, my body frozen in fear; it was all still happening over and over again in my mind.

It was his rough warm hand that brought me out of my trance. His fingers lanced themselves through the fur on my head in an almost awkward manner. Having that big deadly hand on me made me feel secure…protected. Gradually I was able to get ahold of myself long enough to rub my furry cheek against his, thanking him. I could feel him frown against me as he slid his arm away and then picked himself up.I watched as he straightened himself up to his full height. Fear pitted itself in my stomach at the sight of him. Even in human form he was obnoxiously dominant; his large build, square features, and stone hard face proved it. Let’s not forget about those sharp green eyes that were glaring down at me. His gaze was so bold that I had to look away and even after I did I could still feel him looking at me.

“Follow me.”

I jumped at the sound of his voice and then turned my head to see him walking down the sidewalk. My body paused for a moment as my brain tried to process his command. Since I had first met him he had done nothing but try to get me to leave and now he wanted me to follow him?

“Hurry it up pup.” He called and I instantly ran over to his side.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I walked beside him. After a short distance I felt a little bit skittish about being so close to him, I mean I had never walked this close to anyone before and with him being so…intimidating I started second guessing my actions. Was it safe to follow another rogue around? I glanced up at him and caught the sight of a scar snaked around his hand before disappearing under the hoodie. I remembered seeing him for the first time in human form, noticing most of his chest was riddled with those jagged scars. Where exactly had he gotten those from?

My pace slowed down until I was a few steps behind him…a safe distance. I could imagine that a lot of wolves had scars similar to his because my kind fought a lot to show dominance, attract females, and ward off threats…well at least that’s what my parents had told me but seeing that many scars seemed unnatural. A rogue werewolf was a wolf that was thrown out of the pack, left a pack, or was born from another rogue. He didn’t look like a born rogue with his heavy build and dominant personality so that left only two other options. He either left a pack or was kicked out.

“I’m not going to tell you again to hurry it up.”

I looked up to see him at another corner and instantly bolted over to him. We stopped at a large red brick building with lots of broken windows and chipped bricks. I had never big on living in the human world but even I knew an abandon rundown old den when I saw one. He reached back into his brown bag and pulled out a set of keys. I couldn’t help but stare as shoved them into the keyhole and unlocked it. He actually lives here?

The door creaked in an eerie way as it opened. He didn’t even look at me as he walked in a felt his hand around against the wall. He hit a switch and some the lights flickered on while others stayed dead. The lights revealed a relatively small room with flaky white paint covering the walls and a large staircase.

He turned and shut the door before he made his way up the stairs. I followed hesitantly behind him with my ears perked down at the change of scene. I had never been to a human den before and now I knew the reason why. We went up a couple of levels before he put his keys into another door. He opened the door to reveal a large room with more bad lighting but unlike the other one it had stuff in it. The same flaky white paint still covered the walls but on that were some photos and shelves. The room had two worn green couches and a large square shiny box that was tucked away in the corner.

“Stay here.”

I twisted my head and watched as he disappeared down a hallways and then into another room. Before I even had the chance to wonder where he was going he came back and was holding a black shirt and a pair of grey sweat pants in his hand.

He tossed the clothes at me then pointed over to the couch. “You can change over there and then we’ll talk.”

With that being said he walked back into the room he had just come from. As soon as I heard the click of the door being shut I looked down at the clothes he had tossed me. I bent my head down and sniffed them, they smelt of the pine trees and musk. A shiver ran up my back after noting that the clothes he had tossed me were defiantly his.

I looked back up and to make sure that he hadn’t magically reappeared before grabbing the clothes with my teeth and jotting over to the couch. Once there I set them down on the ground and started my shift. It wasn’t something that I had practiced a lot so when my bones cracked and my skin tore I couldn’t help but yelp out in pain. My body jerked from side to side as a different bone cracked out of place then repositioned itself. My hot skin tingled as my thick pelt retreated back into my pale skin.

By the time I was done shifting I was huffing out each breath and my body was covered in sweat making my long brown hair stick to my back and shoulders. Weakly I reached out a hand to the clothes and smiled when I was able to grab them. Opposable thumbs were defiantly a plus to being in human form. I braced my other arm on the couch for balance and wrestled with the sweat pants trying to get my legs in the large holes. It was embarrassing on how long it took me to get them on but once I did I was earnest to get the shirt on next. I was a little confused at first as to which hole my head was supposed to go through but after a couple of tries I got it right.

I was a small wolf to begin with so it wasn’t a big surprise to have a small build as a human either but did the pants really have to keep sliding down? I yanked them back up and slowly looked myself over. A smile broke out onto my face as I spun around in the clothes. Since I had lived in the forest my whole life I had never gotten the chance to wear human clothes. It had always been a secret fantasy of mine and now that I had them on I never wanted to take them off.

“You can tie the sweat pants.” He voice came from behind me.

I yelped loudly as I spun around to see him leaning against the wall. His relaxed stance and patience looking eyes made me wonder just how long he had been standing there. He pushed himself off of the wall and walked over to me. At first I had just assumed that he had wanted to sit down on the couch but then he was only a breath away. I jumped when I felt his hands slide under the shirt and tug on something. I could feel my face grow feverish as his rough knuckles skimmed the skin just below my belly button. He pulled out two long grey strings from under my shirt and tied them tightly against my waist. Then he dropped his hands to his side and took a few steps back.

“We’ll start with your name.”

My heart was still racing in my chest from when he touched me so I was a little distracted when he asked,

“What’s your name?”

“My name?” My voice was raspy and quiet. I lifted my hand up to my throat and repeated what I had said more clearly. “My name?”

He nodded his head slightly. “What are you called?”

I blinked up at him for a moment confused by what he was asking. My name? Suddenly I was smiling.

“Wolf.” I chirped out.

He was frowning at me as he crossed his arms over his wide chest. “I know you are a wolf. What I want to know is your name.”

I frowned back at him and shook my head not understanding what he was asking.

“You don’t have a name.” He said it more than asked so I just stared up into his hard green eyes. He sighed loudly before running a hand through his dark hair. “Well that’s just great.”

He turned his back to the couch and fell into it with a light thump then he started rubbing the side of his head.

I still had no clue what the big deal was but having a name seemed important. I took a hesitant step in his direction. “What’s your name?”

For a moment he stood frozen against the couch looking blankly up to the ceiling and then he turned his head in my direction with a deep frown on his face. “You want to know my name?”

I didn’t know what to say so I just stared back at him until he answered.

“It’s Colt.”

A gentle smiled formed on my face as I said his name. “Colt.”

Something in his eyes flickered and instinctively I took a step back. A growl worked its way up in his throat before he shot up off of the couch. I yelped as he pushed me down into a sitting position with his teeth bared. “Stop doing that!”

My body was trembling under his so badly that his arms were shaking. “Doing what?” I asked innocently.

His face instantly turned into a mask of pure rage and I suddenly found two very strong hands gripping onto my upper arms. “Acting all sweet and innocent one minute and then being scared and frightened the next!”

I felt my eyes go wide. The grip he held on my arms tightened. I held back a whimper by biting the inside of my cheek. I don’t understand, I thought. If he didn’t want me to be afraid of him then why was he hurting me? I found myself looking into his wild green eyes for answers but all I found there was anger. The anger I saw there scared me down to my core, I had never see such anger before and frankly I wasn’t sure how to handle it. A low whine escaped my lips.

Realization flashed in his eyes at the sound and instantly he jerked himself off of me cursing. The whole feeling of him suddenly changed as he sat down on the couch next to me. His body leaned over until his elbows were rested on his knees and his hands were covering his face. The body language he was displaying instantly told me that he was ashamed.

I didn’t understand it. I didn’t understand why he was mad, why he was suddenly ashamed or even what I was supposed to do. I had never been in this situation before so I did the only thing I could do. Cautiously I scooted over to his side and rested my cheek against his hard shoulder then rubbed it affectionately against him. His body stiffened against mine. For fear that he might yell at me I squeezed my eyes shut and dug my fingers into his forearm.

“I’m sorry.” My voice was muffled by his grey jacket so I turned my head, “I’m sorry.”

His body didn’t relax against mine like I had hoped it would but instead he repositioned himself on the couch until I was sitting in between his legs curled up against his chest. He slid his arms up to the back of my neck and bent his head until his chin was rested on top of mine. Rhythmically he moved his rough thumb over the nap of my neck in a slow circular motion. A nice warm wave rushed through my body at the feeling of his skin touching mine. I rubbed the bridge of my nose against his neck and inhaled deeply. The smell of pine trees and musk was a lot stronger there and suddenly I felt as if I couldn’t get enough of it.

He lifted his chin off of my head and tugged on a few strands of my hair until I was looking up at him. Mischievously his eyes twinkled as he leaned down and gently touched the tip of his nose to mine.

“I’ll let it slid this once but don’t do it again.” He spoke with a stern face but his eyes had become warm and playful. I looked up at him in awe as he ran his hand down the side of my neck catching wisps of hair and twirling it between his fingers. “I think it’s about time you were given a name.”

I touched my dainty fingers to his strong ones as I smiled up at him. “I’d like that very much Colt.”

He didn’t smile back at me but he did continue to play with strands of hair as he thought. “How about Lora?” He looked over to see my nose scrunched together at the name. “I’ll take that as a no. Joanna?”

I shook my head.

“Daisy, Lily, or Rose?” I growled at him. I was a wolf not a damn plant. It was insulting to even be considered being named after one.

“Don’t growl at me pup I’m just trying to name you.” Even though he had said it sternly his features had softened slightly at me. Colt paused for a moment to think of another name and when it came to mind he leaned a little closer to me as if to whisper it secretively in my ear. “What do you think of the name Allison?”

A warm liquid slid around in my stomach when his breath tickled the side of my face. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the way he had said the name or if I had just liked the sound of it but either way I liked it. My chin turned upward so that I could tell him of my approval but then his warm breath hit the side of my neck as he lowered his head down.

“I can call you Allie for short.”

It was obvious then that he liked the sound of the name just as much as I did. The way he drew out the sound of each letter turned the warm liquid I had in my stomach into a boiling hot mess. He leaned away from me so that he could observe my reaction. As soon as my eyes met those beautiful hard jade ones I was done fore. “Allie,” My voice sounded a little huskier than I would have liked it to be. “I like that.”

The side of his mouth twitched as if he was fighting off a smile. My heart quickened at the thought of him almost smiling. I was suddenly wondering what it would be like to see a man like him smile. Would it be dazzling or something cute like a lopsided one?

His eyes disconnected with mine when we heard the door downstairs being broken down. The rush of feet running inside was loud enough to where even a human would have heard it. Suddenly he was up off of the couch and walking over to the door that we had both used to come in. Before I could even ask him what was going on he had left slamming the door behind him. I could feel my back stiffen as the herd of footstep ran up the stairs. It was obvious that he didn’t want me around when he confronted those people and I knew that if they were a threat he would have no problem taking care of them but for some reason I couldn’t shake being worried. Slowly the feet stopped moving one by one and I was able to estimate just how many there were. Six.

The hair on my neck stood up. Six to one, I didn’t like those odds one bit. I scooted over to the edge of the couch that he had occupied moments ago and stared intently at the door listening carefully for any signs of movement or conversation. Besides the creaking floorboards, loud footsteps, and my own heavy breathing I heard nothing. There was no immediate arguing or words exchanged just an eerily silence. The more time that passed in this silence the faster my heart pounded against my chest making me feel paranoid. What was going on out there? Did he need help? Why weren’t they fighting?

A shiver ran up my spine when a single pair of feet moved towards the door. Was it Colt or was it one of the others…I wasn’t sure. I heard a growl from outside the door before the knob was broken off and pushed away from the frame. The door swung open grinding on its hinges before banging into the wall. My fingernails dug into cushion’s fabric on the couch at the loud sound but other than that I was composed as I waited anxiously to see who would appear.

A man took a step forward with his nose in the air sniffing. The guy was the complete opposite of Colt. His hair was blonde, build was tone but small compared to Colt, and his skin was pale as if he never went outside. He had on a white shirt and a tan pair of knee length shorts. By the way he had his nose up in the air was a definite clue that he was a werewolf. He took a long drag of air in before turning over to my direction with a smith on his lips. Even though he had on a friendly smile his eyes were sending me an entirely different signal.

The cold black depths of those eyes made my stomach turn painful in fear. It wasn’t the same as looking into Colt’s the first time I had met him because somewhere deep inside me I had known that it wasn’t me that he was looking at but those black ones they were staring right at me. Those black holes were filled with something vile. Those eyes wanted me dead.

“So this is your new girlfriend.” The sound of his voice brought bumps to my arms. Even though he wasn’t talking to me his eyes were still trained to mine. A growl erupted from the hallway and then suddenly my vision was blocked by a grey hoodie. If the that hadn’t been a big enough clue to who’s back I was staring at then the way the fabric outlined the tone muscle underneath it would have. I could feel my shoulders relax knowing that Colt was here.

“She’s not my girl, she a charity case I picked up off of the streets.” His voice was cold and hard as he spoke to the man.

I had no clue what a charity case was so I didn’t bother to disagree with Colt however the other man did. “Now Coltrane we both know that that is a lie so why don’t you just go back into the hallway. Your girl and I have a few things to discuss.”

I shuddered at the mere thought of being left alone with that man. Ever instinct in my body was screaming for me to be as far away from him as possible. Without even my knowing I had reached out and grabbed ahold of Colt’s hoodie. Holding onto the fabric made me feel confident that Colt wouldn’t leave me. It made me feel safe.

The man took a sinister step closer and immediately was halted by Colt’s growl, warning him not to take another step. “That’s enough Kirk you’re scaring her.”

There was a moment of silence before the man started laughing. “Oh I hope so Colt because you know I like it better when they scream.”

“You’re not touching her!” He roared so loudly that my body shook from the sound and even afterwards it was still trembling. How anyone could speak after hearing something like that was miracle, much less yell back.

“She is mine Colt and there is nothing you can do to stop me.” A high whistle sounded through the air followed by the trampling of feet. Colt suddenly slid out of my grasp as he leapt into a fight. The other men that had been waiting in the hallway used their numbers to their advantage to pin down Colt in a matter of minutes. Colt had strength on his side however and flipped over two of the men before attacking the others. Blood stained the floor as growls filled the room but neither held my attention for long because while Colt was busy with the other I was wide open for Kirk.

Methodically he made his way over to my traumatized body. His mouth was twisted into a demonic grin and his eyes were filled with pleasure and malice. He stopped a few inches away from the couch then bent down slowly until his face was next to mine. Slowly he raised his hand up to my chin and held it firmly in his hand. My heart was speeding inside of my chest. Eyes wide with fear. Breathing nonexistent.

His vile cold finger rubbed against my chin. “Scream.”            

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