(30) The Fight

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I stared at my mate with a mixture of emotions. I was overjoyed with the fact that he was here to save me and that he had finally come for me but I was also confused and a little but angry with him. He had been the one that killed Hailey, his own girlfriend and Kirk’s mate. What was even worse was that he had kept it a secret from me. There were so many things that I wanted to yell at him for, I wanted to hit him so hard and call him a bunch of things but more than anything I just wanted him to hold me.

“Colt,” I whispered at him as I gave another powerful tug at my chains. They clanked noisily behind me but didn’t give.

Colt’s golden eyes fell to me once again and for the first time he took in my appearance. I knew that I looked a sight, with my tattered clothes, deep gashes on my skin, and blood everywhere. A look of pure horror turned his face white and then slowly his hands formed into fists. In a matter of seconds Colt’s face contorted with rage and hatred. He was so furious that his fangs slipped free from his mouth and were now digging into his lower lip. His eyes were a molten gold color with fleck of bronze in them, so terrifying that they make me tremble.

“You hurt her.” He said in a dangerously low growl.

Kirk however did not seem threatened by his change of tone. “Oh you noticed?” He snickered mockingly. “You should have seen her at the beginning. She just kept crying your name over and over again but you never came. Personally though I didn’t mind that you were late, it just gave me more time to play with her.”

“I’ll kill you.” Colt growled through clenched teeth.

Kirk threw his head back in a laugh. “Why do you think I’ve gone too far? Because I don’t.” A large grin formed on his face as he looked from Colt and down to me. I was so focused on my mate that I didn’t even realize that Kirk was looking at me until the tip of his fingers touched my skin. “It’s a mate for a mate, I think that’s pretty damn fair.”

“Don’t touch her!” He howled and took a threatening step closer with his golden eyes flashing an even brighter color. Kirk’s smile however did not waver as he took a step closer to me and rubbed his hand down the side of my cheek. The tip of his nails transformed into claws and pierced my skin until a trail of blood dripped down my face.

“My dear old friend,” He spoke in a calmer more serious tone now as he locked his cold gaze with Colt’s. “I warned you after you killed Hailey that I was going to kill your mate. It’s the only we can be together again. Don’t you want to go back to being friends? We can do that, Colt. All you have to do is let me kill her and we’ll go back to the way things used to be. Just me and you.”

Colt’s body stiffened into a straighter more menacing position. “We can never go back to the way things were.”

“Sure we can,” Kirk argued. “Right after I snap her neck in front of you.” He let out a sick chuckle. “It will be so fitting don’t you think? Just like the way you killed Hailey.”

Colt took a threatening step closer. His fangs were fully extended now and had cut into his lower lip letting a trail of blood drip down from his chin. “If you’re set on kill my mate then go right ahead but know that after she’s dead I’m going to kill you. If you manage to escape from me today know that every second for the rest of your life I will be hunting you down. You will spend the rest of your miserable life looking over your shoulder in terror and when I finally catch you I will not let you die so easily.”

I felt Kirk’s fingers dig into my cheek more firmly as his hand shook. “You think that you can scare me into giving up on my revenge? Well sorry to disappoint you but I’m too far in to stop now. However, since we’ve taken this whole friendship thing off of the table I guess that means I can change up the rules.”

Kirk’s hand fell away from my cheek. Both confused and scared as to what he was planning on doing now I looked up at him. His eyes stayed trained on my mate however as he slowly lifted his blood stained claws up to his mouth and licked them clean. “How about I just kill you first and then I can have as much fun as I want with your little mate as I want.”

Colt broke. The fierce tension binding him in place snapped like a rubber band. Kirk didn’t hesitate either as he lunged at my mate with his claws fully shifted. Before the two could even meet they simultaneously shifted into their wolf forms. There was a loud snap of bone hitting bone as the two hit in midair, claws ripping, teeth tearing, before they even made it to the stone covered flooring.

I had no way of telling which wolf was who as the two grey wolves morphed into one furry ball. They grappled a little at first like wrestlers, but mainly they fought in their true wolf heritage, each using teeth and claws and sheer brute strength to try and get at an opening to the neck. The moves were so fast and furious, yet so brutally contained that it made my stomach pitch forward in awe and horror.

The sound of flesh tearing ripped through the air, causing me to hold my breath in fear that my mate was hurt. Following the sound was a horrible wail, an inhuman sound that was quickly drowned out by a loud growl and snapping teeth.

My chest tightened at the sight of blood as if dripped down between the two bodies. I whimpered at the sight of it and prayed that Colt had been the one who had inflicted it. In a desperate attempt to get closer I tugged against my restraints until the metal was digging into my wrists. There was another howl of pain just before a wolf’s head reared up above the other. The golden eyes on the wolf were flecked with bronze and instantly I felt a tug in my chest. Colt.

Colt sunk his fangs right above Kirk’s shoulder. He let out a yelp and slammed the side of his face against Colt’s trying to loosen his bite but Colt held firm. I bit my lip from cheering when Colt’s fangs went in deeper. The metal pressing into my skin was all but forgotten as I tried to inch closer so that I could get a better look at the fight. I could clearly see now that there was matted on Colt’s upper leg but it didn’t seem to be too serious; however, there was a large gash across Kirk’s chest. With his fur was peeled back I could see the full bloody extent of the deep gash.

Colt twisted his grip on Kirk’s shoulder and followed by a loud tearing sound of flesh being ripped off. When Colt moved his head to the side however I was able to see that he had actually just torn off some of Kirk’s fur. I cursed at his thick protective fur. Colt must have noticed that he had only gotten a mouthful of fur because his head snapped back toward Kirk with his wide jaw snarling open. Blood gushed out as Colt sunk his fangs into the soft skin on Kirk’s exposed shoulder. Red splashed against Colt’s muzzle as he torn out a large chuck of flesh.

Kirk let out a loud yelp before falling to the ground, rolling away, and then springing back up on his feet before Colt could snap his teeth together in another growl. In a fight to the death there was no time to pout over wounds, even if it was bleeding quite heavily. Colt and a slightly limping Kirk circled stiff-legged, waiting for an opening to strike again.

They clashed in rolling, snarling fur, parted, and then clashed again, the wounds opening wetly on their hides and dripping down onto the stones. Colt’s back was now to the door and for a split second Kirk’s shoulders hitched a little bit higher as if he was smiling. I frowned in confusion as to why he would be smiling and then I smelt it. Even through the blood and musky smells that wafted the room I could detect the smallest hint of something else, another wolf, Six.

In that exact moment when my mouth open to warn Colt I saw the blonde furred wolf from the doorway. The fear and panic crashed inside of my chest like a raging river into a dam. “Colt!

His head snapped over his head as if he had been expecting the attack and with one quick bite he had Six’s neck between his teeth. Colt swung her over his shoulder and tossed her in between of him and Kirk. She let out a sound that was a mix between a groan and a growl as she skidded across the hard ground.

Colt then leapt over her and with his teeth still barred he snapped at Kirk’s side. He jerked out of the way and went to take a bite out of Colt’s hide but he had jumped too far back. Colt landed gracefully on his front paws in front of me, our eyes met for a brief moment, checking the others wounds, and then his back legs hit the floor and he spun back around to face the two wolves.

Their snarls grew louder as Colt stood protectively in front of me, using his large frame to block the other two from getting a good shot at me. The rules, the fight, everything had changed in just a second. I had believed in Colt, believed that he would come out of this alive but with Six thrown into the mix I was having doubts. The woman had killed six Alpha’s, for a wolf that was amazing and for a female…deadly.

I could see it in the way that Six and Kirk swayed that they already thought of themselves as one lethal force and when one moved the other was sure to follow. Another crack sounded as the three slammed into each other, blood splashed against the grey stones and snarls sounded, but all I could do was watch helplessly as my mate fought. A snapping sound crack through the air and shot right into my chest. My heart stilled at the sound. It had been the kind of snap that made a person blood run cold because that little sound had come from someone’s neck.

A blonde wolf fell to the cold floor, silver eyes wide open, mouth hanging open as if it were still snarling, and blood matted on its shining pelt. Dead. Six was dead. I felt the little spring of hope build up in my chest now that the playing field was even. My gaze wondered over from the dead body to Colt and for a second my heart stopped beating.

A deep gash spread from the center of Colt’s chest all the way down to his stomach, the most vulnerable part on a wolf’s body was their stomach and Colt’s was gaping open. His legs trembled from under him as if they were about to give any moment. Kirk stood a few feet away Colt, his jaws parted in a toothy grin as if he knew his victory was near. I let out another cry and fought against my restraints as hard as I could.

I knew that having a mate would mean that they would put their lives on the line to protect the other’s but never had I imagined that Colt would actually lose his life trying to protect me. Tears were now streaming down my face as Colt’s legs wobbled even more under him. Blood was plopping down from his stomach and pooling under him every time his legs shook.

This can’t be happening. I wept. I can’t lose him.

Kirk’s jaws snapped together as if he was laughing and then suddenly he was leaping through the air at Colt. I yelled his name and tugged against the restraints until I felt blood seeping down my forearms. One of Colt’s front legs gave and he was suddenly unbalanced, defenselessly as Kirk’s front paws landed on the stone floor, deadly jaws inches from his neck.

“Whoa whoa whoa!” Blue bolts surged through the air and into Kirk’s side. His body was flown through the air until he slammed into the wall beside me. There was a thump as the unconscious wolf fell to the ground but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the man standing in the doorway.

Linc’s eyes were wide as he took everything in and his mouth opened slightly in awe but this was no time for hello’s. Without wasting another second I screamed at the god. “Heal Colt!”

His eyes fell to my mate that was now lying completely on the floor, blood pooling all around him. “What the hell-

“Don’t talk just heal him Linc!” I screamed again, fighting to keep my voice steady enough so that he could understand me.

“Well shit.” He cursed running towards my mate. He knelt down in the pool of blood and quickly rolled Colt to his side. His eyes scanned my mate’s mutilated body, trying to find the part that needed the most attention.

“Don’t let him die,” I wept quietly. “Please don’t let him die.”

“He’s not going to die.” Electricity zapped from the tips of his fingers just seconds before he pressed them against Colt’s body. The crackling of bolts filled the air as blue light consumed over Colt’s side. His body started to violently shake under Linc’s hands but still Colt didn’t make a sound, and that was what bothered me the most.

“My god is that Colt?” Jackie whispered from the doorway but I couldn’t manage to pull my gaze away from Colt.

Linc’s face was drawn in concentration while the intensity of the lightning grew. “Go help Allie,” He commanded and Jackie didn’t hesitate in rushing over to me.

“My god.” She breathed as she touched a tender hand to the side of my face. “What the hell did he do to you?”

I moved my face away from her grasp and looked behind her. Linc was still hovering above my mate zapping blue light into his system but still Colt remained quiet. My mate wasn’t dead right? I mean I would know if he was dead. I would know right? My cuffs clanked behind me as I gave them another tug. I wanted to be next to him. I had to be next to him. He needed me.

“Un-cuff me.” I hoarsely commanded to Jackie and gave another tug on the chains. “Get me out of these damn things.”

Jackie didn’t question me and instantly went to work on getting the restraints off of me. I didn’t question how she had managed to get them unlocked because as soon as all four cuffs clanked to the ground I sprinted over to Colt.

His body had already fazed back into its human and by the time I reached him his wound were healed, but still his eyes were sealed shut. Linc’s healing hands turned into fists as they slowly dropped away from Colt’s still body. I looked between my mate and Linc, wondering what was going on but Linc quickly looked away. I fell to my knees beside him and my hands hovered over his skin, afraid to touch him.

My throat felt dry while water began to build up in my eyes. “C-Colt?” I managed to whimper out as I hovered over him. Why wasn’t he opening his eyes?


Yeah I know I'm an evil person but the happy or sad ending is still up in the air!! Wanna have a say in it? Then go here http://kaymoores.weebly.com/1/post/2013/04/last-moments-in-alone-until-i-met-you.html and let you're voice be heard!!!!! Love you all and thank you for reading XD

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