(29) The Cage

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I could feel the blood trickling down from the open cut in my shoulder but the pain from the deep bite marks there were nothing compared to the gash on my stomach. The thick wet feeling of blood soaked every part of my beaten body but still I was alive. When the torture had begun I couldn’t stop screaming but with each new cut my screams had faded. I wasn’t sure if it was because I had grown accustom to the pain in such a short time or if it was because I lacked the energy to scream.

I felt as if I had been down locked down in this wet mucky basement for weeks but in reality I knew that it had only been a few days. How I knew that, I have no idea. Time should have been completely lost to me because I had no way of telling it. The bag that Six had placed over my head hadn’t been removed, not once since I had been captured. Maybe if Kirk or Six had brought me food then they would have had to remove the bag but that hadn’t happened. I hadn’t been given any food and the only liquid I received had been when someone spat on me.

The chains that were bound onto my wrist and ankles clanked slightly whenever I moved. If I had my strength I might have been able to break them but I was on the edge dying from either starvation or blood loss. Whichever took me first.

An image of Colt suddenly appeared in my mind. Like a caress my mind went over every detail of him, from his high cheek bones down to the square set of his jaw. I remembered how vibrant his green eyes had been on the rare occasion that he was sweet to me. I remembered the feeling of his firm chest under my hands and how the warm of his skin had practically begged me to touch more of. His touch, his voice, the way he gave me strength, everything about him called to me.

I felt something cool slip down my cheek and knew that I was crying but this time it wasn’t because my body was in pain. I missed my mate. I needed him to be here with me. I needed him to come for me, to hold me and tell me that everything was going to be okay. I needed Colt to save me already.

There was a creaking sound of metal and my back stiffened instantly at what always followed after that sound. Even though I couldn’t see anything I could still smell. With a deep inhale through my nose I knew instantly that it was Kirk coming into my cage. With each light tap of his shoe hitting the ground my back stiffed even more. I could tell by how loudness of his footfalls where he was in the room and right about now he was standing in front of me.

There was a chuckle that whispered out of his lips before I felt the hard kick of his shoe slamming into the cut of my stomach. I whimpered at the pressure I felt in my abdomen but my body had grown numb to the pain. “You know I’m disappointed in you Allison.”

I took a deep breathe in and rolled my head back until it was resting against the stone wall behind me. From lack of water my lips were already dry and cracked but that didn’t stop me from smiling. Kirk had started to say the same thing to me over and over again thinking that maybe it would hurt me more but the truth was that it just made me smile.

“Really though what happened to your beautiful screaming? Is your throat to dry? Have you lost your voice?” He tisked off in disappointment and my smile grew. “I can’t believe that Coltrane mated a pathetic mate like you. If only he could have been fated to mate a more spirited one then maybe I would be able to have more fun.”

His stomped the heel of his shoe down on my fingers and I cringed at the pain. He dug his heel in, grinding dirt and grime into my already cut up hand. “When’s that bastard going to get here anyway? I’m becoming extremely bored.”

He removed his foot away from my hand and I wiggled my stiff fingers to make sure that they still worked. “Say did I ever tell you about me and Colt?”

He let out a little laugh before pressing his finger into the cut on my shoulder. I flinched back instinctively but he just followed. “We used to be the best of friends. Did everything together. I even remember the day that he took down his old man so that he could be Alpha of the Blackpaws. Man was that a fight.”

He ripped his fingers out from my cut and let out another little chuckle. “But of course Colt didn’t kill him. Alpha fights normally end in death but Colt didn’t have the stomach to kill his father. Beat the hell out of him though but didn’t kill him. Gosh those were the good old days.”

His shoes clicked against the stone ground as he walked about the room. “Did he ever tell you about Hailey?”

My smile fell from my face at the sound of Colt dead girlfriend. There were still so many secrets that were shrouded around that name that it turned my stomach. Colt had told me very little about her and nothing about how she had died and Jackie still believed that she was alive so it was pointless to ask her anything, but Kirk...he definitely knew something.

Wanting to know more about it I croaked out, “A little.”

Kirk let out another livelier laugh. “She speaks!” he chuckled. “Well then let me tell you about her. She was the purest most dazzling person in the whole world. She, I and Colt were inseparable when we were pups and all of us even had our first shifts together. That was Hailey’s favorite thing to do was be a wolf. She would beg me and Colt to go with her into the woods at least three times a day and her being the only worth wild girl around we were dying to please. When she changed…my god she was beautiful. Pure white, I had never seen a wolf as gorgeous and white as she was. When she took off into the woods she was just a white lightning bolt. Absolutely amazing.”

As if remembering something horrible his tone of voice shifted into something sour. “Then Colt had to ask her to be his girlfriend after he became Alpha even though I had told him countless times that I had had my eyes on her and everything just went to shit. Those two getting together after school, leaving me out so that they could make out, it made me sick to my stomach that my so called friend was with her instead of me. What made things even worse was that he knew that they weren’t mates. Dated her just to piss me the fuck off and when I finally turned eighteen…when I was finally able to see who my mate was it was her!”

Hailey was Kirk’s mate? I couldn’t help but gasp at this. What the hell?

“She was you’re mate?” I mumbled dryly.

“Mine.” He hissed possessively. “She was mine and Colt had had his hands all over her.”

“So you killed her!” I yelled angrily at him and tugged against my restraints. “You killed your own mate!”

There was a crash somewhere outside of the cell followed by a scream of pain. I felt the tension in the air as the sound of Kirk’s footsteps bounced off the walls. He let out a curse as he walked around my cage. “What the hell?”

Just as he had uttered those words a bang sounded in my cage. I cringed at the sound of something banging against the metal door and when it suddenly swung open and hit the stone wall on the other side I felt a heavy ball drop in my stomach. Kirk let out a little laugh as he moved forward. “Well I’ll be damned you finally showed up.”

The smell of my mate hit my nose and fresh tears started pouring down my cheeks. He was here. My god he finally came for me. I wiggled against my cuffs in an attempt to get free with his name softly whispered on my lips.

Kirk let out another laugh before walking over to me and placing his hand on my head. He took of the bag on my head and for the first time I saw the room I was in. The dark wet cold stony room that had served as my cage but none of that mattered anymore because standing in the middle of the metal doorway was my mate. My eyes grew damp with tears and I screamed out his name, “Colt!”

His golden eyes flashed to me and I saw the horror and rage flicker behind them. I wiggled against my chains, trying desperately to escape them so that I could run into his arms. I cried out his name again, so loud that it hurt my chest and throat.

Colt’s golden stare was trained on me, his lips parted softly as if he was whispering my name and I about broke down into sobs. Kirk however stopped all of this from happening when he took a step in front of me, blocking both Colt’s and mine view from each other.

“You want to know how Hailey, my mate died?” From my peripheral vision I noticed the way Kirk’s hands bunched up into fists and shook at his sides. “It was because of that jealous bastard! He couldn’t stand the thought of letting her be mine so he killed her. ”

I felt my gaze widen as I looked up at Kirk and then back over to Colt. His own stare had grown wide as he did the same thing I had just done. When his eyes met with mine I saw something sad move behind them before he glared back up at Kirk. He said something back to Kirk but I couldn’t catch it. My mind was repeating one thing over and over again in my mind. Colt killed Hailey?


Thank you all for reading and I hope that you enjoyed it despite the long wait. I've been busy with other projects and such but know that I am working on the ending now so I should have it posted by this weekend at the lastest and tomorrow at the earliest. Oh and I have also created a website and you are interested please check it out


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