18. Nightmare

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What do you prefer more: Watching movies or reading books?
Also tell me the reason behind it.



The possibility of Ian Somerhalder coming at my place at 10 o'clock was more believable than Ben Martino showing up at my door. But miracles do happen.

My eyes widen seeing him, unlike his usual messy clothes he was wearing a navy blue shirt and black pants, this was the first time I saw him dress up so formally. His hair were gelled with few strands falling on his forehead which were enough to raise the temperature of my room.

He cleared his throat and I realised that I was staring for too long. I closed my mouth and opened the door wider.

"You look good", I compliment as he sat on my bed.

" Thanks ", he said bluntly. "And sorry, for coming here without informing. Actually I had no place to go, so .."

"It's alright", I immediately stopped him. He nodded with a little smile. "Are you hungry?"

Thankfully I had just made noodles, so without waiting for his reply I filled two plates. Ben rolled his sleeves till elbow which gave my eyes excess to his muscular arms. My mouth went dry looking at the veins popping out ,  I shook my head to remove those kind of thoughts and gave him one plate.

" Do you want to talk about it? ", I asked eating noodles.

"Yes, I do",he nodded his head with a small smile. " My brothers helped me today. I mean, it wasn't a big deal but still... It felt good. After maybe months I had talk with Leo, it was short but really precious to me. Theo and Chris for the first time saved me from Uncle Mason instead of putting me in trouble. "

I couldn't help but smile along with him while hearing his talk. Again I felt really thankful for having such a great family, this kind of moments happened to me everyday but for him it was special.

He released a breath before speaking, " But sometimes, my family doesn't understand me, they think I want to be away from them but it's not true . I want to be close to them but whenever we are in same room they start giving me lecture and instead of supporting me they start criticizing me. I am not like my brother but they still force me to behave like a different person. Just because I  am born in rich family I need to mask my true personality. It's exhausting"

I heard him patiently, I am happy that he is finally letting his emotions out.

"Your brothers? Are they same? ", I asked softly.

"My brothers are ashamed of me, they are so embarrassed of me that they don't even meet me at college. I don't know what to do, how to be perfect or normal", I could see the pain in his eyes.  " I understand that I failed as a big brother. I'm also responsible for all this broken ties because I didn't give all my effort. And now I'm just blaming everyone including myself and my family".

"But you just said that today you talked with them and they even helped you so it's good, right?",I hesitately said, not knowing if I was doing the right thing. " Isn't this what you wanted? your family's support and love?"

He looked at me for few seconds and then stared at the untouched plate," I have no idea what I want . "

"Just do what your heart tells you",I placed a hand on his shoulder. " It's better to forgive then live with regret all your life".

His hand came to face as he placed a strand of hair behind my ear making me shiver.

"You're too good for your own good", he mumbled as if he didn't want me to hear. " Make sure you never get hurt. Otherwise you'll end up forgiving that person too quickly".

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