3 . Beginning of College life

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Bianca's POV

"Here we are", Dad muttered opening the door, he is still not happy with the fact that I am going to be away from them.

I have never been away from my family in my 17 year old life, not like my parents stopped me but also because I'm socially awkward girl. I never had friends other than few nerds, I am too shy to talk in front of relatives. I hardly manage to complete my school picnic without crying, thanks to Shawn.

That's what both Dad and I are worried about. Will I be able to manage all alone? I can't even chose a proper outfit without Mom's help, but I am 17 and I need to be a big girl and handle myself. I could see the worried look on Dad's face, he took my bags and we walked out.

The campus was just like I saw in picture, enormous in size with old structures. I couldn't believe I am going to study in this amazing college, it's a dream come true. People were standing around the ground most of them being college student. Just like me they had nervous and excited expression of their face.

I started feeling nervous looking at them, most of the students here are from rich family as it's not possible fot a middle class family to pay fees. I being a scholarship students has to face alot of trouble.

"You can still come back", Dad said. I knew he was acting like supportive father but deep inside he wants me to come back with him.

" I can manage", I started walking inside.

A woman in her mid 30s gave me my room keys. I let out a shaky breath thinking about living alone in dorm room, maybe with my partner.

I just hope my roommate would be a decent girl, the last thing I want is to share room with some bitchy girl. I clearly don't want any trouble in the beginning.

Yes, I want to enjoy my college years fully and I need friends to talk, laugh, do crazy things. I want to be carefree but not careless. Since my high school I haven't made any serious friend maybe because my personality didn't attract people and I was not popular or good looking like other girls.

But still I am happy with myself.

We walked towards the room with 2 bags filled my clothes and other important things. Shawn wanted to come with me but Dad stopped him, I wanted him but I didn't wanted him to miss his football practice due to me.

"B12", Dad said looking the door.

It was my room, I looked at dad and then knocked on door to check if my roommate is inside.

The door opened in less than minute and a girl was standing. I let out a sigh in relief as she didn't look like a bad influence.

She was wearing a T-shirt with knee length shorts and had her brown hair in messy bun, I stopped myself from pinching her cheeks. Her cheeks were so cute and that it made her even more beautiful. She had curvy body which wasn't much visible due to her oversized T-shirt.

"Hey, Are you my new roommate?", she asked.

" Yaa", I answered with a polite smile.

"Please come", she opened the door wider. I looked at Dad and he looked fine with my roommate but he didn't like the room

The room was smaller than my room, the bed was also small but big enough for a single person. I am going to miss my old room, I had so many memories with it. My birthdays, sleepover with shawn, pillow fight with Shawn. I am going to miss those things.

" I am Brittany", she raised her hand on handshake.

I shook her hand with a smile, "Bianca".

Dad placed my things down and after checking everything and talking to the supervisor, he went away. He still wasn't satisfied but he didn't say anything to much to my relief.

I went back to my room with a lump in my throat. I feel sad, I have never been away from my family. It's going to be really difficult to manage things by myself, at home Shawn was always there for my rescue.

I saw Brittany sitting on her bed with a book in her hand, I guess she is just like me a nerd.

"Hey, you're back. Don't be sad you'll get use to it", Brittany said comforting me. I gave her a smile and thanked her.

I looked at her side of bed and it was filled with posters of hot actors and singer but it didn't look wrong. Her bed was clean and cute pillow was besides her.

I started arranging my things, I still need to buy few things. I'm going to spend long time here so I should decorate it to my need.

" Come here", I raise my eyebrows at her. She patted the bed , i sat besides her. "Don't be so sad, i promise you'll get used to it more quickly then you think"

"How long have you been here? ", I asked.

" Just few weeks but I like here more than my house", I looked at her in confusion. How can she be happy without her family? I thought , " My family is not perfect family, my parents fights alot so I am happy being here"

"I am so sorry"

"Don't be", she shook her head with a smile. " Tell me about yourself "

I straighten up and took a deep breath, " So, I'll start from basic. I am Bianca Evans, but my brothers calls me bunny because he things I am cute and small. I am 17 years old. My dad has his own shop of car repairing and my mom is a houseworker, my brother is completing his study. Shawn is 4 years older than me but he behaves like a 4 year old kid all the time. And... Yaa that's it", I smiled.

Brittany started clapping her hand, I looked down in embarrassment maybe I talked too much.

"You have a nice family especially a big brother . He must be very protective of you"

"No, he isn't", I replied shaking my head.

" Why? "

"Because he thinks that I look like a 10 year old kid therefore no boy will ever date me", I pouted.

Brittany started laughing making me groan, " Sorry but he is right. I mean, you're very small for a 17 year old "

Great, now my roommate also thinks of me as a kid. I know I'm small but I hate being called a kid.

Better I can't complain as she's better than what I expected. I guess college life won't be so tough for me.

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