32. Finding Bianca

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" Where are you Bianca?"

Cole gave a tight slap on my back making me stumble a little at the unexpected force. " Like Bianca will magically appear with that question. Seriously Ben, you're not a magician. We've to search for her- Oh! There is her friend, she must know about her. "

Following his eyesight I found Brittany standing in the opposite direction looking for someone. We both made our way towards her and coincidentally Kevin decided to arrive at the same moment.

" Hello Ben," he smiled at me and frowned when I didn't respond in any way. He then raised his brows at Cole. " What happened to him?"

" Where is Bianca?" I stared at Brittany clenching my jaw.

Her eyes moved towards her and widened in shock , then it moved towards the surrounding in astonishment.

" Shit! I told her to stay here. Fuck, I don't know," she took out her phone to call her.

" It's no use, we tried calling but she's not answering," Cole responded.

" We need to look for her," Kevin chirped.

" Look for who?" The new voice came. My frustration started building up as they were wasting time instead of searching for her. Now, they'll start explaining everything to Chase again.

" Bianca. She's missing. "

Chase gasped loudly at Cole's word and started running inside," Bianca! My babygirl! Where are you?!"

Finally someone was doing something. Wait. . . Did he call her babygirl?!

No, Ben this is not the time to argue. We need to find Bianca. She might be in danger. We all ran behind Chase and started looking for Bianca. The loud noise of music was blocking our voices so I kept looking for her, pushing everyone aside.

I clutched my hair and pulled it in frustration, I was scared. Fuck, I was more than scared, my hands started trembling more as the time was running but she was no where to be seen. The moment I find her I'm going to punish her so badly that she'll think twice before doing a stunt like this.

But I've a feeling that she's not doing this on purpose. Bianca would never do something like this on purpose. There is an uncomfortable feeling in my chest that tells me that she's in danger.

" Ben! Did you find her?!"

I glared at Chase for asking such a stupid question, he looked away and went in another direction.

The music stopped earning numerous groans from people, then came the loud voice of my brother who was standing near the DJ.

" Ladies and fuckers, may I have your attention please?" Cole smiles cheekily then it turns into a dangerous glare making everyone silent within a few seconds. I stared in amazement as the entire party got silent just by a stare. " I am looking for someone, a small girl with short blonde hair, wearing a purple dress, her name is Bianca. "

Everyone started looking at each other mumbling incoherently. I waited for anyone to say anything but the whispers went on and I sighed after not getting the desired response and took the matter in my own hand.

" This is my first and last warning," Cole's voice was low and chilling. " If I found her harmed then all of you will regret coming to this party. So, Speak. Now."

From the crowd I saw someone raising their hand, pushing everyone aside. I moved towards it. I pulled the boy by his collar and turned towards me.

" Where did you see her?"

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