10. Stalking him

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Since, past one month I have been following him, from college to bakery and then tattoo shop where he works. I have wrote numerous notes to him and everyone of my note made him smile. His smile, god it's so addicting. But it's rare as diamond.

I have noticed that he doesn't talk much, the only friend he has is Kevin. Kevin is a funny guy and tries to make him laugh but he is quite stubborn.

His routine is pretty much same everyday except for weekend, which is going to college in morning then having lunch with Kevin, distributing pastries to kid on the way to tattoo shop and finally going to his house at late night. It's so boring. He never does anything interesting or exciting.

Even though I never had friend, Shawn was enough to keep me occupied with challenging things. Whether it be remembering lyrics of tough song or doing crazy things he never made me feel alone.

I guess Kevin is also fade up with his behavior, who won't be?

One of the few things I have noticed is that he loves hoodie as he have 7 of them, 3 black, 1 blue, 1 red, 1 maroon and last white which he only wore once on weekends. He don't seem to have favourite colour as he wears all the colour but all of them are dark like his personality.

His looks matches his dark personality, specifically when he wears his black hoodie. Black clothes, black mask, black boots, black tattoos and his black hair. Perfect combination.

I haven't seen much of his tattoos , but they include geometric designs, a flower, and few things written. I guess he had done all his tattoos by himself, it wasn't surprising as he can use both hands for tattooing and he is a tattoo artist for years now.

He loves chocolate pastry with vanilla icing, the smile on his face when I gave him that pastry was so special.

But still there are many things that I don't know about him. Most importantly his name. Yes, I am dumb . I still don't know his name and honestly I never tried to get it, I want to help him and I can do it without knowing his name, Right?

I don't know anything about his family as he spent most of his time with Kevin and it's late when he goes back. The best thing about him is that he is single, at least that's what I think because I have never seen him close to any girl. No girl from the college even try to come near , which is little weird because he's not that bad looking.

I don't know how he is? What's his problem? Why is he so depressed? What's his background story?

But I still want to help him, I want to be with him, comfort him and tell him that he is not alone.  I haven't really focused on study much but still managed to pass all my tests till now. I need to focus on my study. But I can't leave him.

I  am not even focusing on the main reason I came to new York, for my Bee. Instead of finding him, here I am stalking the hoodie guy . The guy whose name is still unknown to me.

It's time for me to work on my ultimate motive.


It's Sunday. People wait for Sunday and here I am who hates Sunday. Because my brother does crazy thing on that day and I end up being embarrassed.

I went down stairs for breakfast, the only part I like because Chris makes breakfast. He is really good at cooking and definitely best out of us.

"So, what are we going to do today? ", Leo asked excitedly. I rolled my eyes at his enthusiasm. He is the most excited person in this house for almost everything.

" How about a football match? ", Cole suggested.

All of them agreed and looked at me, " I think I need rest, I don't feel great", I lied.

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