t h i r t y - f o u r

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Word Count: 1119

Mads POV:
"tonight's the night baby" he said smirking looking away from the road,
"we are going to kill her" I said finishing his sentence whilst smiling.

After a 2 hour drive I couldn't contain my excitement, I turned around to look at the girl who had been thrown in the backseat, unconscious, uncomfortable and unaware.

As I was turned around I felt the car come to a stop, I turned back around to see we were outside our house. An even bigger smile drew across my face as I got out the car.

I had dragged Erin into the house probably leaving her with bruised/grazed thighs, hopefully. I placed her on the hard stone floor in the middle of the empty room. I walked to the door and looked back at the girl laying in the middle of the floor, and smiled before walking out.

(Time Skip)

"Mads, get in here" I heard Romeo yell, I got up off the couch and walked into the hall where I saw Romeo stood in the empty room with the door open.

I walked over and poked my head round the corner to see Erin stood up, tears streaming down her face "Where am I? Why Me?!??" she screamed.
"Don't fucking raise your voice at me!" Romeo yelled back walking towards her slightlymaking her back up against the wall, I smiled seeing the fear we caused her, Romeo started to walk back towards me
"fuck you! I hope you both rot in hell! and by the way Mads, Jaden will NEVER love you!" she screamed causing my blood to boil, I walked over to her and slapped her, she stood there shocked for a second before hitting my back.
I kicked her knee caps making them buckle underneath her causing her to fall to the floor, I kicked her in the stomach, I crouched down to her level, I pulled her face up by her hair making it level with mine, I could see the tears falling rapidly from her eyes "just you wait and see, oh wait, you'll be dead" I said pouting before dropping her back into the floor and walking out.

Jaden's POV:

"has anyone gotten any form of contact from Erin in the past 10 minutes?" Ellie asked
"of course not Ellie! someone would've said by now!" I snapped
"woah Jaden, chill. Ellie is trying to help find your girlfriend! that you can't keep from being fucking kidnapped" Payton yelled. I couldn't believe what he just said, my best friend. I got up off the couch and started walking to the door I heard a chorus of "Jaden's" and "too far man" I left. I walked up to my room with Josh, Bryce and Quinton following me, I walked into my room and slammed the door.

I walked over to my mirror and saw a picture of me and Erin at the beach when I asked her to be my girlfriend, I started crying, Payton was right this is all my fault, Erin is gone!
"FUCK!" I screamed punching the mirror causing it to shatter into about 12 pieces and my hand to start bleeding, I ran my bloody hands through my hair, pulling it slightly starting to walk to the other side of the room,

If only I hadn't walked away when Mads was 'apologising', I grabbed the lamp that was next to me and threw it at the ground
"FUCK!" I screamed again, as I broke down, my knees failing to keep me up causing me to crash to the floor, I leaned against the foot of my bed sobbing.

I was looking around my room when I found and old brown box I had put away and hopes to never use again, I knew exactly what was in the box and I knew that it was exactly what could help.

Payton's POV:
"Payton! what the actual fuck!" Cynthia yelled at me
"That was below the belt" Addison said
"You fucking tool" Ellie said
"I was defending you!" I said back to Ellie
"oh yeah still you couldn't have just stopped at 'woah Jaden chill'?"She said
I was about to reply when we heard something shatter and then the screams of Jaden
"FUCK" he screamed
I fucked up, almost as if Josh could hear my thoughts he said
"yeah... you can fix that"
"but give him a minute to calm down others he might kill you" quinton joked trying to lighten the mood but no one laughed, because we all knew it was true.

After about 20 minutes we hadn't heard Jaden shatter anything else so I decided that it might be a good idea to apologise
"wish me luck" I said
"you don't deserve luck, you were the one that fucked up" Avani said
"thanks Av" I said sarcastically
"Anytime" she replied
I started walking up the stairs and along the hall to Jaden's room, I got to the door and knocked,
no answer
I knocked again
no answer
"jaden I am coming in" I said
once again no answer, at this point the worst is going through my brain, I open the door and am met with a room full of smoke, I just managed to see Jaden lay on his bed holding a blunt to his lips
"Jaden!" I yelled waking over to him and taking the blunt away from him, he turned his head towards me, his eyes red, bloodshot and swollen, I looked down and saw his hands were red and covered in blood.
I walked over to the door "GUYS! GET UP HERE!" i yelled for them, all of them came to the door to also be greeted by the clouded room
"Jaden Isaiah Hossler!" Avani screeched
"I swear to god you told me you threw everything out!?!" Avani said
no answer
"buds completely out of it" Josh said
"Josh shut up now isn't the time" Nessa said snaking him in the chest
I walked over to the windows to open them
"Josh, Bryce take Jaden downstairs or to someone else's room, just get him out of here and everyone else clear out" I instructed
"Fucking hell Jaden" I whispered to myself before shutting his door.

I walked into Bryce's room where they put Jaden on the bed, I walked over to Jaden and looked at him, he looked like shit.
"Jaden I know you don't really understand right now but i am sorry, I crossed a line which is shouldn't have crossed" I said
i was expecting no reply but Jaden spoke, not exactly what Iw antes to hear but he spoke
"She's gone, and it's my fault"

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