e i g h t

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Word Count: 1167 

Payton's POV:

I heard Erin shout "Ellie you are jumping as well" I could now see why Jaden didn't want Erin jumping off the balcony but Ellie seemed so happy, laughing climbing up to the right of Erin that i didn't want to upset her so let her jump  "3...2...1..." Bryce yelled from the balcony recording it the girls stepped off the balcony holding each others hands screaming and cheering as they went then i heard the splash of the girls hitting the water that's when i could stop worrying then I heard Erin scream. The balcony was to crowded to see what was happening so I sprinted down the stairs alongside Jaden who also couldn't see over the balcony once we reached the backdoor I saw Ellie laying face down in the pool, surrounded with bloody water and Erin, frozen. I took off my shoes and threw my phone out of my jeans and dove into the pool to Ellie as fast as I could, I flipped her over onto her back and carried her to the edge of the pool where Jaden was, Jaden grabbed her and pulled her up out of the water as I pulled myself up next to her, I moved the hair from her face and saw bloody gashes all over her face, i checked for a pulse but couldn't find one "GUYS DO SOMETHING! CALL AN AMBULANCE! PLEASE!" I screamed whilst tears started streaming out of my eyes "hello yes can i get an ambulance to Bel-Air 1992 havenhurst drive"(fake address) I heard someone say into a phone, none of the girls came out so the boys probably told them to stay, Jaden was trying to comfort and calm down Erin who kept repeating "it is all my fault" in between her sobs. "Please Ellie. Stay with me. I need you. I love you" I said tears streaming out of my eyes. there was blood all over her shirt so I lifted her shirt up slightly to see if she was hurt anywhere else and after lifting her top up I saw a stone in her skin. The sight made me cry even more that's when paramedics came with a stretcher pushing me out of the way "is she going to be all right?" i asked but they never answered me "please i need to know if she is going to be okay" i said about to burst out in even more tears "we aren't sure we need to get her to the hospital and find out" one of them said "can i come in the ambulance?" i asked "no sorry sir but you can meet us there"and they left and I burst out crying...

Skip to in the hospital... 

Erin's POV: 

I was sobbing, Payton was pacing and Jaden was trying to calm the both of us down with the occasional tear falling from his eye. The nurse came out and I stood up and Payton stopped pacing "hi guys, i am assuming you are here for Ellie Morgan?" she asked  "yes we are is she alright" Payton asked "well she is stable but she has quite a large stone stuck in her Epgastric Region, which could effect her Stomach, Liver, Pancreas, Spleen or her Adrenal Glandes so we would have to preform surgery to remove the stone but we can only do that with consent from someone" she explain I couldn't process anything, she was saying words but they didn't make sense, she said something but i couldn't retain it "yes please do it anything, please" i heard Payton say "do anything you need, to help my princess" he continued to say, now that was one thing my mind could and would retain "okay we will get you when you can see her" the nurse said turning around about to walk away. I felt my vision going blurry and i couldn't tell whether it was just me crying or the start of a panic attack, my breath became abnormal i couldn't breath, it was a panic attack. I felt Jaden's arms wrap around me and buried me into his chest "it is all my fault, it should have been me" i mumbled through sobs and shaky breathes "baby don't say that" he said stroking my hair calming me down. the mix of Jaden stroking my hair, hugging me tight and calling me baby calmed me down and i fell asleep in Jaden's grip still worried about Ellie. 

I was woken up by the nurse "hi umm Jaden told me to let you in first to see Ellie" she said, I looked at Jaden and kissed his forehead too which he smiled, "i should tell you she can hear everything you say and she is awake but if she opens her eyes, speaks or moves any part of her body except her hands whilst you are in there please come and tell us" she said "thank you" i said opening the door walking in and closing it, I turned around and saw Ellie and tears started pouring from my eyes, "Ellie i am so sorry it is all my fault, it should be me not you" i said squeezing her hand and her squeezing mine back "the nurse told you could hear so guess what" i said then continuing "Payton said to the nurse 'anything to save my princess' and i think it was the only thing I remember from last night, and also the fact that Jaden called me baby but we aren't here to talk about me but i want to apologise again it's all my fault" i heard the door creaking open but i decided to continue "if only i hadn't told you to jump with me then you wouldn't be in here and maybe it might have been-" i said being cut off by Jaden's arm wrapping around me before i could start sobbing again "it's okay baby" he said kissing the top of my head. "hey Princess, i know you can hear my so I just wanted to say I love you so much and that i need you to be better. I am so sorry i let this happen to you" i heard Payton say, I looked at Jaden and stood up, I walked over to Payton and hugged him, "I am so sorry Pay this is all my fault" i said tears in my eyes he turned around and hugged me back "no it isn't Erin, you couldn't have seen this coming" he said, Payton turned around and looked at Ellie.

Payton's POV:

I hugged Erin and turned back to Ellie, i went over to her and stood above her, she had hair in her face, i moved the hairs and tucked it behind her ear, I caressed her cheek looking at her lips and then i realised how much i wanted to kiss her, so i did. I leaned in and kissed Ellie. That's when I felt it...

Ellie kissed back. 

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