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Hermione was supposed to have a younger sister that was supposed to be introduced in later on books. But then Rowling decided to take her out because it kind of seemed forced when she randomly had a sister in the 4th book.

Unlike Harry, Hermione actually struggled for a while to get her patronus.

Hermione's biggest fear is failure.

In the third movie, Dudley actually doesn't have any lines. He just laughs and gasps.

The Dursley's have 3 TVs because Dudley kept on complaining about the long walk to the TVs.

During the second movie, Emma would bring her pet hamster Millie, to set frequently and sadly shortly after filming had started, Millie passed away. But the set department created a hamster coffin for her and they had a funeral.

The reason Rowling killed Fred and not George was because Fred was more outgoing and the funnier and more liked by the fans so it would be less expected if he died instead of George (A/N: this one actually makes me darn mad. I love them both and I know neither George nor fred can live without their other halves😭💔)

The reason why Pansy does not get married to Draco was because Rowling really hated Pansy and was like no, she doesn't deserve to get married.

Oliver, James and Bonnie realized that the construction workers from across the street their radios had the same frequency as some of the radios on the set so they would turn the frequency to that and tell the workers to go home and then the construction workers would pack up and leave.

Lockhart is a half-blood. He has two older sisters and he is the only child that is magical in his family.

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