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Rowling said she would be terrible at Quidditch as she is "Not Sporty", "Not Great With Heights", and is "Clumsy".

Rowling says that Muggleborn witches and wizards are descended from squibs that married muggles. The magical genes resurfaces after many generations unexpectedly.

Ollivander was in Ravenclaw.

Lucius Malfoy is ranked number 12 on the Forbes Fictional list of the 15 richest people in the world.

In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince movie, when Draco goes into the room of requirement for the last time, the harp that put Fluffy to sleep and the King from the giant wizard chess game from the first film can be seen.

Mosmorde, the command that makes the dark mark appear on the sky, means "Take a bite out of Death" in French. Which is appropriate for Death Eaters.

The set of Godric's Hallow in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 is the same set used for Hogsmeade in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with some set dressing changes.

The Malfoy's last name comes from the Latin word "Maleficus" which means "evil doing".

The characters JK Rowling created the first day were Harry, Ron, Nearly Headless Nick, Hagrid, and Peeves. She then developed Hogwarts.

Demelza Robins, the Gryffindor chaser, in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince book, is named after Daniel Radcliffe's favorite Charity: The Demelza House Children's Hospice, which cares for terminally ill children in Kent, East Sussex, and South London.

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