Chapter 1✔

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"Don't worry Ammi, I have packed everything. Yes, I will call you as soon as I land in Islamabad. Do not worry. Khuda hafiz." Zoya told her anxious mother as she disconnected the call and headed for the ticket counter. One thing that Zoya had inherited from her mother was an over anxious brain. The brain that goes 'did I lock the main door' the moment she lies in the bed, the brain that makes her check the car doors twice after locking her car and leaving it in the parking lot.

Alizey, had to get married in Islamabad out of all the places. Could she not go for the beach wedding and well Karachi? On the top of that, they wedding dates (the milad and all additional function dates) were messed up that Zoya had to fly in. Did Alizey not know that Zoya hated planes? That she was a nervous flyer. Of course, she did. If Alizey wasn't her best friend, Zoya would have considered that stunt a mutiny. The trouble was that she could not ditch the wedding. Firstly, because that would make her a sucker friend. Secondly because there was no plausible excuse for it. It was her last working day at university. People were having winter break so she couldn't go with her usual excuse, "Sorry Alizey, I am working". Just her luck. Cursing Alizey for being an insensitive, forgetful friend Zoya dragged her suitcase as she headed for the ticket counter.

"Hello Mam. Where are you flying today?" the agent who was wearing a white uniform with a fake smile plastered on his face asked Zoya. "Islamabad". Zoya replied with a genuine smile. People who smile when making a conversation were such a delight. They always made her at ease and relieved her from the social anxiety. After a minute of typing and going through the computer, the agent this time with a kind smile returned her e-ticket which Alizey had booked. "Here you go, Mam. Just a minute." he said.

Zoya nervously tapped on the counter as the agent typed some more. How much she would prefer to go by rail or bus, but right now she was short on time. "THANK YOU, ALIZEY," she thought. Zoya had checked the weather updates for Islamabad thrice since she had gotten to the airport, and she knew that it was going to be cloudy in Islamabad. It might even rain, and the information was making her super nervous. Could she just run back home now and lie that she had missed her flight? "Way too mature Zoya", her alter ego taunted.

"Your plane boards in 30 minutes, Miss Zoya Hussain." The clerk replied as he handed her the boarding pass. Thanking him, Zoya made her way to the waiting area. Sitting in the corner seat she looked around at the people who we were already seated there. Observing people and coming up with their stories was her favorite past time.

Infront of her, sat a couple who had was blessed with two boys. The wife was hovering around the 5-year-old, while the toddler in the husband's arms was crying. Zoya was sympathizing with the lady who was running around chasing after her child, but was also glad that the husband was helping instead of sitting idle like a typical Pakistani father who does 'nothing'. Zoya smiled at the lady, who now had gotten her hands on her devil of a child and was pulling him towards the seat, done with his shit. The little devil realized that she was looking and stuck out his tongue at Zoya.

Zoya would have ignored it if she wasn't a nervous wreck or bored. But since she was both and what was a better way to get her mind out of the fear, than being childish. She made a scary face in return shocking the kid, who just looked at her as if she had grown a tail. Satisfied with reaction she got, Zoya raised her eyebrows in a 'you-didn't-see-that-coming' expression. To give the devil some credit, he recovered from initial shock and pulled the corner of his mouth with both hands as he stuck out his tongue. His eyes screaming "beat-that".

'Game on honey', Zoya thought as she made the best evilest children scaring face she could. In return all she got was a shriek which turned into a cry. It would have felt like a victory, if his mother wasn't giving her the death glare. Could Zoya blame the mother? NO! Her toddler had just finished crying and now her 5-year-old was crying all thanks to her.

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