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Zoya had been on a 14-hour flight from Karachi to London. To say it was difficult would be the understatement of the year, the year was just about to end, and one could never tell with Zoya. Aizad-the little charm boy held her hand during the takeoffs and landing. They both tried to appear stronger for each other.

Despite being super afraid of airplanes, she had to do that. She missed her Mark Darcy. Her nickname for him. Funny, but he really was Mark Darcy to her Bridget Jones. It had been two months since she had seen him. Yes, they video chatted but it wasn't enough. Some days she even watched him sleep after an exhausting day. But nothing could beat the feel of his heart against hers as she held him close. December made her miss him more. There is just something about December that makes you miss your soulmate. A month in which the single people miss their plus one's.

She didn't know why or how, Ammi came to know she was missing Irtaza really bad. Just one day , Ammi came to her with the tickets telling her that she should pack her bags and visit Irtaza . Meenu and Moiez needed some help and Ammi had to go to Islamabad.( It was a lame ploy. Zoya knew Ammi had done all that so she could visit Irtaza.) Zoya had jumped and hugged Ammi accepting that kind gift without thinking about the flight.

She had legit crossed oceans for him and was ready to cross some more. To her Bollywood freak self, it was ROMANTICCC !!!
Sath samadar par main tere pechay pechay agae!!!

(I crossed seven seas to following you? )

The weather had been bad and she had to bear some major turbulence, her luggage got loaded on the wrong aircraft and was to arrive in a week but nothing could dim her smile as she pulled the glass door and arrived in the lobby of the building he stayed in.

She had called his receptionist , taken all the details but still she wasn't prepared for the sight that welcomed her as she marched inside the lobby. Her gazed travelled all around the lobby until it settled on the elevator which was about to close. There he stood looking as handsome as she remembered.

Irtaza !!!!! Her heart thudded against her ribcage.

When Zoya spotted Irtaza, he was ruffled. His grey necktie loose around his neck, while his cotton shirt was creased reflecting the busy day he had at work. His brow creased when he spotted , his eyes unsure of whether it was really her. Putting a handout to hold the elevator door, he waited for her. He blinked twice as he shook his head, to shake her out of brain. Maybe exhaustion is playing tricks with me . He thought but still held the door open.

"I missed you", she screamed as she ran towards him not giving a damn about the attention she was going to get.

He had enough time to hold out his arms.
Does he think it is some kind of dilwale dulaniya lay lain gayeand he is some kind of Srk. He is my Srk, though.

(Author's snippet :DDLJ Google it honey if you dont know )
She smiled and jumped into his arms. The momentum caused him to hit the back wall with a grunt as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. The doors slid close, allowing them some privacy as he held her close to his heart.

"What are you doing here, Zoya?" He whispered; still frazzled. His voice was hoarse with concern and disbelief. Emotions clogged his throat. Although he was loving every bit of the welcome he was getting, he was still concerned to see her there. At first, he thought she was not but a figment of his overactive imagination. A mirage, until she had run and jumped into his arms.

"I am here to see you." She whispered back as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
"But how did you get here?" He asked breathless.
"I took a flight!"

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