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   Everything was pitch black. I couldn't even see my hand waving in front of my face. As I feel around, I can tell it's a small space. "Jax? Can you hear me?", I whisper. There was silence. "Jax?", I say a little louder, "Can you hear me?". "Yea, I hear you.", he responds in a whisper yell. "Where are we? What happened to the others?". There was a pause for what seemed like a full minute. "I'm not sure." I assume he answered both questions with that. The last thing I remember was rushing into a big building with everyone and a fight happened, suddenly everything was blurry and I hit the ground. Before everything went dark, I saw a man. Oh, no.. The man in black! A light peaked into the darkness from a door opening, shaking me out of my thoughts. "Well, well. What do we have here?", A deep voice said, cutting through the silence. The lights flashed on giving my eyes no time to adjust. I have to squint and blink a few times to help. I start by taking in my surroundings. The room is completely white and looks like some kind of laboratory. Jax and I are in these tube- like contraptions. I look at Jax, worry in my eyes. But he's just staring straight ahead with his mouth slightly open. I follow his eyes and it leads to the man. But that's not the shocker. Looking at him now, I wish I never knew the face of the man in black.

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