Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven


The whole weekend was spent with Mason, Alexis and Lucy We must have taken hundreds of pictures, I brought all my film cameras and a couple digital with the rule that if you break it, I kill you.

Monday rolled around and I was jumping out of bed with excitement for school to just be over so we can look at the pictures, but I jumped a little too soon, and was heading for the bathroom.

The morning sickness wasn’t so bad with the stress off my shoulders, but I have a feeling it’s going to get worse when I have to worry about everything else. I just hope it goes away soon, and I’m not one of those girls who are sick the whole pregnancy.

I’ve known about it for three and a half weeks now, and I’m actually getting used to it already. I haven’t really gained weight, because I’ve been sick so much I dropped weight, and am just not gaining it back, except my breasts, they seem to be double the size they were.

I brushed my teeth and lathered on cocoa butter so I don’t get stretch makes as bad, and just left the wig hair natural.

I threw on ripped and faded jeans and a black t-shirt with multi colored writing that says “Save The Planet!” I was in the mood for humor, since I come from a save the planet family, then I tossed on my bright green vans.

I have to admit in the past month or so I drastically changed my appearance. I would usually wear clothes that made me look like a nerd. I decided against contacts today and wore my glasses, gaining back some of my nerd appearance.

I love them and stopped wearing them to school years ago because kids made fun of me, and I have decided not to care anymore, they’re going to judge on worse when I start showing, so bring it on.

Actually, I think I’ll let Alexis pick out my clothes tomorrow. Damn, I really am in a good mood today.

I skipped down to breakfast and ate happily with my parents just staring at me. I kissed them good bye and skipped to my car. A lot of skipping going on today, because when I got to school Alexis and I linked arms and skipped out way to my calculus class.

She stopped and bowed “My lady,” she said in a horrible accent, “Your classroom awaits you.”

I curtsied, “Thank you kind ma’am. I shall see you in the class of English” I smiled and walked into class smiling and looked at a very curious Damon.

“Can you two get any weirder?” he asked amused.

“If only you knew.” I winked.

“Someone’s in a good mood,” he observed “It suits you, you should smile more.” which made me smile more and I went and plopped down next to him.

“And how is Damon Riley Parker today?” I asked and he glared at me but couldn’t stop smiling.

“How did you know my middle name,” he cocked his head to the side “Are you my stalker?” he gasped.

“Damn it, you caught me! Damon I am secretly in love with you and my walls are all filled with creeper pictures of you from afar.” I smiled and then my smile dropped.

“What?” he asked immediately looking at my face.

“It’s not a secret anymore!” I yelled and the look on his face was priceless and I laughed he just rolled his eyes.

“Are you on some kind of drugs?” he asked me

“Never! I’m high on life! And,” I paused and gestured to my shirt “Saving the planet!” He took a deep breath trying not to smile and I cocked my head to the side to study him.

Stranded With Secrets Of Past Mistakes [Under Rewrite]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ