-Chapter Thirty Six-

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Rated R part for the last chapter is now up!

Ahh so here's the explaination.
I feel HORRIBLE it's now been two weeks since my last update, and as you loyal readers who have been with me chapter to chapter know, that like NEVER happens, i never take more than a couple days and i am SO SORRY!

I've been sick, dealing with break up crap, and i HATE writing endings. there isn't much to this story, since it's the last couple chapters, so i guess i just lost a tad bit of motivation, because its just the end, and i don't know how else to explain it.

then the last couple day's, my internet wouldn't work, so i had to wait a couple days to post this.  

Thank all of you amazing people who are still with me, and have been, and are waiting for this, and not being mean and pressuring me into writing when i just didn't have the motivation. it's like 19 pages on Word, so it should be long to try to make up for how long it took to post. 

Love you guys, youre amazing, and if it wasn't for all fo you, i wouldn't be finishing this book, i have one chapter left, and i would have gave up a long time ago feeling like my writing wasn't good enough. 

Best FANS ever (I refuse to call you guys followers, because that makes me feel like Hitler, or like i'm leading a cult. and this isn't twitter)

I spaced on this, i said the last few chapters would be to four certain people, and i'm like just yeah, so on to the dedication!


You have always sent me messages or left amazing comments on my book, and i really appreciate your support, you really don't know just how much it means to me.

every time you say you love my book or character or just anything it makes me smile and your amazing and sweet, thank you! :)


Chapter Thirty Six

Our breathing was still ragged but I could slowly feel the rise and fall of his chest, and heart beat slow down.

“I love you” it came out breathy and low

“I love you too” I smiled into his chest.

“You really are perfect and amazing and considerate and just everything a man could ever want” he picked up my hand and started playing with my fingers.

“And why do you say that Mr. Parker?” I asked him and he groaned lowly.

“Because you listen for one. I told you I liked this fantasy, months ago in a random conversation and you remembered and got us into it. For two, I’ve never been with a girl who lets me have all the control. Thirdly, you’re just you. You’re beautiful and amazing, and I love you” he kissed my forehead

“So you’re saying you hated this, and never want to do it again?” I asked sarcastically.

“Funny” he poked my nose “Thank you, though.” He looked adorable like usual, and so sincere.

“I know you like the control”

“I do like other things too, so if you don’t like this, you don’t have to do it, love” I mentally went ‘aw’ and how nervous he sounded.

Stranded With Secrets Of Past Mistakes [Under Rewrite]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें