Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter Thirty One


“Oh, so you’re going to walk away again?”

“No, I’m warning you that if you threaten my friendship, I will not be with you”

“So you don’t love me” he narrowed his eyes at me

“Of course I love you!” I yelled in frustration

“Then you would pick me. I’m the baby’s father and I love you”

“No you don’t” I snapped. If he loved me he wouldn’t put me in a situation to change my relationship with my best friend, who has been here for me my entire life.

“Yes I do!” he yelled

“That is complete bullshit”

“What the hell is your problem? Why are you turning this into a fight?” he asked and I laughed

“You started this fight”

“I did not! I made one fucking request, and you turned it into a fight”

“You told me to limit my friendship with my best friend”

“I asked you not to talk about our relationship! It concerns me, and I don’t want her knowing about our business”

“Well maybe I’ll just date a guy who doesn’t mind me talking to my best friend about-”

“You just jump from one guy to another?”

“Are you kidding me, stop!” I snapped. This was stupid, he just wanted a fight, and this was stupid.

“No, it seems like you just want me until you can find someone better”

“No, I want you because I love you, and you’re the father of our baby”

“And I love you both” he said softly

“If we break up are you going to walk out of the baby’s life?” I wondered

“Of course not. I made out child a promise, and I will be there for him or her no matter what our relationship is. I told you I don’t want you to be just my child’s mother. Why, are you going to break up with me?”

“I was just wondering, because It doesn’t seem like we get along”

“Yes we do, I love holding you, talking to you, and just being with you. When you try to teach me how to cook, and when you kiss me. we get along Arianna, please don’t give that up”

“I don’t want to”

“Then make your decision Arianna”

“What decision”

“Me or her? If you love me like you said you did, if you weren’t lying to me, if you really don’t want to give us up, you would pick me”

“I pick Alexis” I told him. It was a no brainer; chicks before Dicks. Alexis would never ask me to choose, which makes my decisions to pick her more of a no brainer

“Excuse me” he looked hurt, and it hurt me to see him like that.

“I said, I choose Alexis” I raised an eyebrow, like it was obvious.

“You don’t really love me” he looked hurt and angry.

“I told you I did.”

“Then you would have chosen me.”

“If you loved me you wouldn’t make me choose, she never would, even with everything you did and said to me, she was still supporting me when I said I wanted to be with you. I will not end my friendship for a boy”

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