Chapter 13 - Breaking and Entering

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A/N: Sorry you guys, I know this is really late. I got a little busy with exams and stuff, but I'm going to get back to writing more often! :)


They arrived at the shelter without getting into an accident, and Lucas found himself thanking God as he climbed off the bike. He wouldn't say he was scared of motorbikes, exactly, but- well, what sane person wouldn't be worried about dying in a burning wreck? The things were dangerous, after all. He stretched his fingers, cramped from the vice-like grip he'd had on Damien's jacket, and lifted his chin to unclip the clasp of the helmet. Handing it back to Damien, Lucas opened his mouth to mutter thanks, but Damien took one look at him and stifled a laugh.

"What?" Lucas asked, halfway between irritated and nonplussed, glancing around to try and find the reason for Damien's laughter.

"Nothing, nothing." Damien said, pressing his lips together in what Lucas thought was a pretty pathetic attempt at looking serious.

"There's obviously something. Are you going to spit it out, or can we get back to work?"

"It's nothing, really." Damien grinned. "It's just your hair."

"My hair?" Lucas spun around and caught his reflection in a shop window. Ah. That would be it. The helmet had mussed his hair, leaving it sticking out in all different directions. It was a drastic change from Lucas' usually neat, polished appearance, and he hurried to try and comb it out.

He must've looked as annoyed as he felt, because Damien still looked amused when he turned back around. "You missed a spot."

"I did?" Lucas frowned, reaching up to try and feel whatever uneven patch Damien was pointing out. "Where?"

"You're missing it." Damien said, leaning back against his bike and watching as Lucas struggled to flatten his hair.

Lucas glared at him. "Thanks. Really helpful." He wanted to look at least decent, especially when meeting a client. It'd feel disrespectful to show up looking like a mess. Appearances were important, and he didn't want the shelter to think that they didn't take them seriously. Maybe he was overthinking it. Probably.

"Let me." Damien said, and before Lucas could fully register what he meant Damien was in front of him. He stood very still as Damien reached down and ran a hand through his hair. It wasn' wasn't the most unpleasant thing ever. Damien was surprisingly careful, only tugging a little on Lucas' hair as he flattened it, and when he stepped away Lucas found that he almost wished it'd lasted a little longer. Almost. But he wasn't stupid, and he had to remember Damien's awful, arrogant personality.

A personality he was reminded of a moment later. "You've gone all quiet." Damien commented, a wicked little grin tugging at his mouth. "If I'd know that was all it took to shut you up, I'd get all close and personal way more often. Your voice is really annoying, y'know."

Lucas scowled, running a hand through his own hair, just to be sure Damien had fixed it. "There's nothing wrong with my voice."

It wasn't annoying. He could hear himself, and he didn't think he was annoying. But he remembered reading a section in a textbook about how when you heard yourself speak, the sound was different to what other people heard because it reverberated around in your skull or something. So maybe the voice that everyone else heard was the annoying one. No, Lucas decided, that was ridiculous. He wasn't about to let Damien Castillo make him insecure. The asshole.

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