Chapter 9 - Business Opportunities

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Lucas entered the bakery a few moments after Damien, with the bad taste of the conversation still on his tongue. He didn't have time to question Damien further, however, because as soon as he stepped over the threshold he was greeted by a very harried looking Lisa. Her usually tight, professional bun was in wisps around her face, and she looked like she hadn't slept.

"Lucas! Damien! Thank god you're here!"

Lucas came to a stop beside Damien, who looked just as confused as he felt. Lucas opened his mouth to ask exactly what was going on, but Lisa barrelled on before he could.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news first?"

"Bad news." Said Lucas, just as Damien answered "Good news.".

Lisa glanced between them for a moment. "I'll go good news. We've gotten a contract for a huge event. It's a charity gala for the animal rescue centre, which is really exciting because it's a big social event as well as a good cause."

So far, this seemed good. Lucas was all in favour of helping animals. But there'd been bad news, right?

"And the bad news?"

Lisa grimaced. "My mom's sick, and since my sister's out of state, I've got to take care of her. Which means I won't be able to do as much preparation for the day as I'd like, or even do as much in the shop as I usually do. So Damien," She turned to him with a slightly desperate smile, "you've been promoted! Lucas can show you how to make basic pastry, dough, things like that. He's good enough now. So, what do you say? Can I count on you both?"

Lucas was torn between being pleased that Lisa thought he was good enough, and horrified that he'd have to teach Damien, who he just said he was disgusted by. But Lisa looked worried, a frown creasing her forehead, and Lucas couldn't bear to let her down. Besides, this was for charity. Lucas was willing to put aside his hatred for the greater good.

"We'll do it." Lucas said, and Damien nodded beside him. For once he didn't seem to have a smart remark.

"Wonderful!" Lisa looked incredibly relieved. "Lucas, can you get started on kneading the dough I've made? I've got to set up shop."

"Of course." Lucas answered, as if he wasn't dreading the prospect of having to spend more time with Damien.


"Kneading is easy, so even you can do it." Lucas began, laying out the dough on the floured bench.

Damien opened his mouth, undoubtedly to make some snide remark, but Lucas cut him off before he could hear it. If he was going to do this, he'd decided not to take an of Damien's shit.

"Shut up."

"I didn't even-"

"I could see you thinking something annoying. Shush."

Damien scoffed, a familiar twist to the corner of his mouth, but thankfully he didn't push it. Lucas continued his demonstration, sinking his fist into the dough to flatten it.

"Am I supposed to take that as a warning?" Damien asked, watching Lucas flatten the dough with his fist.

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Yes." He said, trying to sound as serious as he could. "If you mess this up, this'll be you." He gave the dough an extra punch for emphasis, holding Damien's eyes. The other boy faked a wince.

"I'm terrified." He didn't sound it.

"As you should be." Lucas responded, pushing his glasses up his nose and turning his attention back to the dough. "Kneading is really important, because it's the thing that makes the dough rise. It helps the dough for amino acids, which means it can trap the air bubbles released by the yeast, and-"

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