Chapter 49 - Legally Blonde

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A/N: So sorry everyone, this is pretty late! Just getting used to the new updating schedule, as those who follow me will know that since school has started I'll be updating every three days from now on!


They stepped into the warmth of Lucas' hallway, and Damien relaxed. He'd been tense on the walk over, Lucas had felt it, but he'd kept his fingers intertwined with Lucas' the entire way there, protected by the night sky above.

"Shit, Lucas, your house is nice." Damien said, turning in a slow circle to take in the carpeted hallway, the paintings hanging on the wall, the long mirror running down the wall towards the kitchen above a table that held a potted orchid, his mother's favourite. "You didn't mention you were rich."

"We're comfortable." Lucas said, slipping off his shoes at the door.

"That's what rich people say." Damien followed suit, kicking his own shoes off. "Not like I'm complaining, though. You can buy me lots of nice things." He was teasing, obviously, though he made a pretty good attempt at giving Lucas puppy dog eyes.

Lucas groaned, but he was grinning. "I'm just an ATM to you, am I?"

Damien came up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Well, maybe a little more than that." He leaned down, voice almost a whisper, and unconsciously Lucas found himself leaning into him, smiling as Damien moved in to kiss him.

"What the fuck."

Mark stood frozen in the hallway, half-eaten apple in hand, looking at the pair of them.

"Hi, Marcus." Damien didn't make a move to pull away, raising a hand to wave at Mark.

"You've got to be kidding me." Mark muttered, looking to Lucas for answers.

Lucas could only offer an apologetic shrug, though he did pull himself away from Damien. "He's staying the night."

"Seriously? He's in my house now, too? Lucas, we really need to have a talk about your, like, taste. He's so annoying, why does he have to come here?"

"I'm standing right here, y'know." Damien said, raising an eyebrow at Mark. "And I've got to say, you're not being a very good host right now. So rude."

"Oh, shut up." Mark snapped.

"Both of you, stop it." Lucas cut in, rubbing his temples. If he had to deal with this bickering every single time they were in the same room, he'd lose his mind. "Damien is staying the night. That's non-negotiable. It's been a really long evening, and I really don't want to deal with your whining. Please, Mark, just leave it."

Mark took a particularly savage bite of his apple, but conceded, disappearing up the stairs to his room. Damien looked very smug as he watched him go, until Lucas turned to face him.

"And try to be a little nicer to him. Or at least don't be such a dick."

"I'm not being a dick." Damien protested, the picture of innocence. "He isn't a very good host, I mean, really—"


Damien sighed dramatically. "Fine, fine. I personally think I'm being very funny, but I guess, if you really want me to, I'll stop."

"It'd just be easier if you got along with each other. I want to have you over all the time," Damien looked pleased, "and I don't want to have to deal with a pair of toddlers." Damien's smile turned into a pout, almost proving Lucas' point.

"Alright, only because it's important to you. I still think he's a bit full of himself."

"Pot, meet kettle." And before Damien could object, Lucas took his hand and pulled him towards the stairs.

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