Chapter 11 - Certain Death and Charity Work

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"You're dead." Alex remarked cheerfully, taking another bite of her sandwich.

"Thanks. Very helpful."

"Aw, come on. I'm only being truthful." Alex continued through a mouthful of ham and cheese. "She'll kill you. With a knife, probably, I can see her stabbing you in the back when you least expect it."

Lucas rolled his eyes, picking at his own salad. "You read too many murder mysteries. I just said I wouldn't set her up with Damien, it's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal until you're bleeding out in the lab."

"Bleeding out?" Mona pulled an earbud out of her ear, joining the conversation. "Who's bleeding out?"

"Lucas will be."

"No I won't. She's being dramatic. I just said I wouldn't help Mallory get back with her ex boyfriend, and Alex thinks that's suicide."

"Good for you." Mona said, closing her textbook. "You don't even like him, why would you get involved in his mess?"

"You're probably doing Mallory a favor too, if you think about it." Alex cut in. "As bad as she is, dating a guy like that can't be good for anyone. He sounds exhausting."

"He really is," Lucas said, resting his head in his hands. Every shift with Damien brought a new wave of trouble, whether it was flour fights or jokes about his height or the irritating thing he'd do where he'd lean just a little too close, let his touch linger for a little too long, with those stupid big hands and smug little smirk and– he was getting off topic.

Point was, it was irritating. Lucas would scowl and tell him to cut it out, but Damien would always just laugh it off. It was just another joke to him, which Lucas supposed was better than him taking it seriously. Lucas didn't even want to think about that. It'd be a disaster, a disaster he didn't need during his senior year.

It wasn't part of the plan, and Lucas was determined to stick to his plan. Nobody, not Mallory, not Damien, could ruin that.


Alex had decided to walk Lucas to the bakery, and Lucas was grateful for the company. The conversation with Mallory had left everything a little off kilter, and there was nothing like a conversation with his best friend to make everything feel normal again, even though he couldn't always understand what she was talking about.

"...and she keeps reminding us she's a triple threat, which so isn't subtle, we all know she thinks she should get the lead."

"Triple threat?"

"It means she can dance, sing and act," Alex said, still sounding irritated. "And, like, that's great, but she mentioned it every single audition and every time the director is around. She'll probably get it too, which sucks because she's impossible to work with."

"Uh huh." Lucas nodded. Alex had ranted about her theatre stuff enough times for him to be passingly familiar with the people, and he knew from previous rants that Ana Edelman was indeed unbearable. Last year she'd thrown a fit at Alex because she thought she was purposefully keeping her out of the spotlight.

They were approaching the bakery, and already Lucas could see a familiar figure leaning against the window, tall and olive skinned. They drew closer, and Alex noticed him too. She elbowed him in the ribs, a grin creeping across her face.

"Is that him?"

Lucas rubbed his side, looking at Alex reproachfully. "Damien?"

"Yeah, Damien." Alex was openly staring at him now, eyes narrowed, as if she were analysing him. "You didn't say he was hot."

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