Chapter 5 - Lucas Sawyer, Party God

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"There's a party this Saturday."

Five words that ruined what had otherwise been a good afternoon at work. Damien had been working serving customers and Lucas had been working in the kitchen, so he'd managed to avoid him for almost the entirety of his shift. But Lisa had needed them both to do the dishes that evening, which was how Lucas found himself, once again, drying as Damien washed.

"And I care because...?" Lucas wasn't really paying attention to him, determined to not let this irritating boy ruin his good day.

"Because you said you'd go to one. You get invited all the time, remember?"

Shit. Lucas hadn't remembered. And if it wasn't obvious that his story was total bullshit before, it definitely was now. Damien looked just as cocky as ever, turning to face Lucas and leaning against the counter. Smirking. Like always.

"Right. I do, yes."

Damien tossed his head back and laughed. Lucas scowled, motioning for the other boy to hand him the next pan. He didn't have time for this.

"And because you said you're a party god, I'm guessing you'll be there."

Lucas didn't even look at Damien, turning his back to put the pan away. "I didn't say I was a party god. I'd never say something so stupid."

"No, I'm pretty sure I remember you using those exact words." Lucas could practically hear the smirk in his voice. "Party god, you said. You get blackout drunk and hookup with twenty girls a night, right?"

Lucas rounded on him, hands on his hips. "I did not say that." He'd never even been drunk, and the girls...there was no chance of that.

"Pretty sure you did."

"Oh, for god's sake..." Lucas threw his hands up in exasperation. How did you argue with someone so determined on being annoying? "Can we just finish up so I can go?"

"Careful, Lucas. I might start to think you don't like me." Damien tried to look hurt, but could only hold the expression for a moment.

"I don't."

"Impossible. Everyone likes me."

"Keep telling yourself that." Lucas said, hanging the towel back on its hook and turned to survey the clean kitchen.

Lisa was out the front, wiping down the tables, but it looked like everything else was spotless. Perfect. He could leave. He started towards the door, already mentally preparing his study for the night, when an arm came down across the doorway to block his way. A rather muscular arm. Not that Lucas noticed, of course. He stopped, because he was pretty sure he wouldn't be able to physically force himself past Damien.


"Just a sec. You'll be at the party, right? Unless you weren't invited."

Lucas cursed the day he'd said that stupid lie. No, he hadn't been invited, which Damien clearly knew. He had no idea what party he was even talking about. It was so stupid, because Lucas didn't even care about that sort of thing. So what if he wasn't invited to parties? They seemed boring, and pointless, and a waste of time he could be spending studying. But something about the way Damien looked at him, sly and knowing, as if it was so hilarious that Lucas wasn't invited to anything. And Lucas was really tired of being laughed at.

"I'll be there."

Lucas took pride in the flicker of surprise that crossed Damien's face.

"No you won't." He scoffed, disbelief plain in his voice. "There's no way. You're too boring, probably studying or something."

Lucas sighed, pushing up his glasses to rub his eyes. "Look, if I go to this party will you leave me alone? I'm stressed as it is, I don't need an asshole at work on top of everything else."

"Asshole?" Damien clutched his chest as if he'd been wounded. "So cruel. But sure, I'll be good."

Lucas rolled his eyes. He'd believe that when he saw it. "Great." He said, deadpan. Without waiting for a response, he ducked under Damien's arm, and before the other boy could say a word, he stepped out of the bakery and into the late afternoon sun.

He just needed to find someone who knew about the party.


Mark's room, like everything else about him, was the polar opposite of Lucas'. Sweaty gym clothes were strewn across the floor, bed sheets lay in a crumpled pile at the end of his bed, and a distinct, musty smell permeated every corner of the room. Lucas usually spent as little time in there as he possibly could.

Mark was sprawled across his bed, scrolling through his phone. He looked up when Lucas walked in.

"You want something?" Mark glanced around his room, as if searching for whatever could have brought Lucas into a room he very vocally disliked.

Lucas was about to comment on the smell, like he did every time he entered Mark's room, but realised that if he was asking for a favour that wouldn't be the best way to start. So he got right to the point.

"Is there a party this Saturday?"

Mark gave Lucas a suspicious look, narrowing his eyes. "Why?" Lucas hadn't showed any interest in parties before.

Lucas cleared his throat, trying to sound as casual as possible. "I thought I might go to one."

Mark's eyebrows shot up, and he looked at Lucas as if he'd just grown a second head. "You?" He sat up, frowning. "Lucas, are you feeling okay? Did something happen?"

"What?" Lucas couldn't believe this. "No, nothing happened. Is it really that weird that I want to go to a party?"

"Yeah, it is. Remember when you threatened to call the cops because I had a few friends over?"

"First of all, it wasn't a few friends, it was like twenty people, and you knew I had an Economics quiz the day after that I needed to study for. Besides, it wasn't like I was actually going to-"

He was getting off track, and arguing about this wasn't going to get him on Mark's good side.

"Anyway, I've changed my mind and I want to go to a party. Is there one or not?"

Mark still looked slightly stunned, but he was nodding. "Right, okay. There's a big one this Saturday, at Mel's. I'll text you the address." He seemed almost eager to help, but he was still giving Lucas that searching look. They'd lived together for nearly eighteen years, so it wasn't difficult for Mark to see that something was off. "Why, though?"

Lucas shrugged, taking out his phone to read the address he'd been sent. "Just want a change, that's all." He answered vaguely, already walking out the door. 

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