Chapter 37

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Katerina De Luca

Ice cold water hit my face as my body lurched forward into a sitting position and I looked around in alarm, with my eyes widened and lips parted in shock. My hands slowly raised up to wipe the droplets of water away from my face as I gasped and looked around the dark luxurious bedroom in an effort to make out any shapes. 

I was still dressed in my purple summer dress from before, except there was a small splatter of blood across the side of my dress just above my bump. My face instantly paled as I glanced at the clock on the nightstand and it showed that it was only a little past midnight. 

Wha...what happened? Where am I?

A few feet away from the huge bed I laid on, I could make out the familiar silhouette of Arosio facing me with an empty glass in his hand.He must have thrown the water on me before to wake me up. His gaze hardened as he watched my every movement like a hawk. 

My breathing hitched in my throat once I met his dark gaze glaring at me with nothing but the moonlight shining through the window behind him to illuminate his dark presence. I could practically feel his murderous rage and the more I looked into his alighted eyes, the harder it became to even breathe. 

He looked exactly as he always did with his clean shaven handsome face and dark hair styled back to perfection. From an outsiders perspective, it would look as if it was easy for him to find me but I knew it had taken him three months and probably a lot of work. 

"Aros--" I began but flinched back when he suddenly threw the glass across the room against the wall, resulting in the glass shattering to a million pieces onto the floor. 

"SILENZIO." Arosio suddenly yelled as tears quickly gathered in my eyes and I shut my eyes in fear while leaning back into the headboard to create as much distance as I could from him. (SILENCE)

The room fell eerily silent as nothing but his slow, calculative footsteps could be heard stalking towards me. My lips trembled in fear when I felt him sit down on the bed beside me and lean forward with his hot breath fanning my face. Almost immediately, I turned my cheek the other way, only to have him grip the bottom of my chin painfully and force me to look back at him. 

"How could you, Katerina?" Arosio questioned in fury as his grip on my face tightened further and I wondered if it would leave a bruise. I flinched back at his sudden use of my full name and his words felt like stab wounds to my heart. 

I could tell how much I hurt him just by his tone of voice, it was heavy with pain and grief but no matter how many times I opened my mouth, I could barely form any response to him.

Would he even believe me if I told him the truth now?

"I...I'm so... I'm sorry, Arosio," I whispered through more tears as I met his dark gaze and tried to express my feelings through my eyes since my mouth was failing me right now.

Arosio gazed deeply into my eyes for a few more moments before sighing deeply and letting go of my face. His eyes widened slightly when he looked at my chin and he ran his hand through his dark hair while muttering curses in Italian. 

His other hand reached out towards my face again but I subconsciously leaned away from him, something that he immediately noticed and his gaze instantly hardened.

"Tre mesi, three months, Katerina. You ran away from me, from our child, from our whole family and stayed hidden for three fucking months with those strangers. You ran away with my babies and lived in those strangers house. I don't want your apology, I want to know why, Katerina, why would you betray me like this? Why would you leave our family and live with those nobody's in their poor house? Did I not provide you with the very best things in this world? Why did you leave me, WHY?" Arosio questioned darkly as his hard gaze remained on me and I could do nothing but cry even more as each of his questions caused a thousand needles to prick my heart.

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