Chapter 6

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Katerina Dale 


It spread across my whole body, making me crave for more of it. I snuggled into it further and a satisfied sigh escaped my lips. I've never felt so comfortable and so safe before. My arms tightened around the warmth, not wanting to let it escape from my hold. 

"Hai ricevuto la foto, fratello?" I heard someone whisper yelling excitedly in Italian and began to stir awake. I could hear the familiar mischievousness of Alanzo's voice. (Did you get the picture, brother?)

"Sì, non preoccuparti. Puoi usarlo per fare in modo che tuo fratello ti acquisti la nuova Lamborghini in cambio di questa foto," a calm voice replied and I recognized it as Adriano's voice. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to adjust to the sudden brightness. (Yes, don't worry. You can use this to make brother buy you the newest lamborghini in exchange for this photo.)

"Huh? What the--" a frustrated sigh left my mouth when I tried to get up but was held down by a strong grip around my waist.

Turning to the left, I saw Arosio sleeping peacefully beside me with his arm wrapped around my waist as his leg rested over mine. My mouth fell open in shock and I looked at the other side to see it empty. 

Where was Elijah? Wasn't I sleeping in his room? Where the hell did this devil come from? 

"Elijah is taking a bath, the maids are helping him. Everyone is to be present downstairs for breakfast in half an hour. Unless you want to spend some more time with your husband," Alanzo teased with a smirk, making me want to throw the lamp on the nightstand at his handsome face. 

The more I thought about it, the more anger I began to feel. I could hear the two men chuckling and my gaze snapped up to meet Alanzo and Adriano's amused glances with a fierce glare. Alanzo remained unfazed and even began to wriggle his eyebrow suggestively at me and I blinked at him in confusion before my eyes widened in shock. 

"NO! I didn't sleep with your brother, I swear!" I screamed so loud that I could hear birds flying away outside before I turned around and kicked...yes KICKED... a sleeping Arosio off of the bed. 

Arosio's body flew onto the ground and a loud crash could be heard before his wild eyes flew open and began to look around the room to search for any sign of danger. Upon only seeing his laughing brothers and my furious glare, his eyes seemed to widen in realization. 

"Tesoro, listen..." Arosio began in a hesitant voice which took me by surprise since I had never seen him flustered before. His brothers looked surprised as well but I simply glared at him and pointed towards the door. 

"Get out! All of you!" I yelled before running into the connecting bathroom to shower.  

Staring into the huge mirror, a small gasp escaped me as I saw a bit of drool on the corner of my mouth and my hair was so wild, it probably looked like I was a zombie who crawled out of her grave.

"My hair!" a loud scream escaped me as I cursed the Gods for allowing those handsome and dangerous men to see my ugly morning appearance.

I could hear the three of them chuckling when I screamed, making my face instantly flush red. Ignoring them, I tore off Arosio's clothes and stepped into the shower. I had no idea what I would wear afterwards since I did not have any clothes at Arosio's personal mansion to pack. There wasn't even a trace of my sister's belongings either, she didn't even have a bedroom in his house. 

Shrugging my shoulders, I focused on washing up for now and to worry about my clothing afterwards. 


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