Chapter 35

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Arosio De Luca

"Continuare a cercare. Non mi ripeterò, se mi richiami un'altra volta senza risultati, ti ucciderò senza alcuna esitazione. Inteso?" I threatened into my phone with a tired but menacing tone before slamming it down onto my work desk. (Keep looking. I will not repeat myself, if you call me back with no results one more time, I will kill you without any hesitation. Understood?)

The vibrations shook the whole length of my mahogany desk, causing the picture frames I kept beside my laptop to fall down instantly. Reaching out, I gently took a hold of the first picture frame that has kept me breathing and sane for the past three months.

I haven't seen my wife for three whole fucking months, apart from in my dreams that always ended in many restless nights.

The picture was taken on our wedding day, after I surprised her by flying in the Avery elders. She had no clue that I had been communicating with her grandparents secretly for weeks. At first, I didn't even want to speak to her grandmother but I did so out of gratitude since she raised my wife when the Dale bastards tossed her away.

The back of my knuckles turned white as my grip around the picture tightened within seconds. The wedding dress she wore was crafted by the best designer in Italy who had hand-sewn all of the wedding dresses in my family. It enhanced her beauty even more, if that were even possible, and I couldn't stop staring at her that whole day.

Her beautiful, radiant smile captured my attention within seconds, her head resting against my chest as my arms wrapped around her waist and we both smiled into the camera. We had danced the night away together, something that I never thought I would do since I despise dancing.

But alas, I had taken secret lessons in preparation for our wedding day to make sure it would be the best day of her life. Her surprised expression as I twirled her around and dipped her in my arms to her favorite song had warmed my cold heart instantly that night.

The tips of my fingers grazed over the Italian engraving on the bottom of the picture frame.

Mia dolce moglie (My sweet wife)

"FOTTUTO TRADITORE" yelling furiously, the picture frame was thrown across my office room, effectively shattering into pieces. (FUCKING BETRAYER)

My breathing came out ragged as I looked around my office that had endured several rage attacks from me over the past few weeks. Every night, the maids would clean it and order new furniture but then it would turn out damaged again like now.

I can't help but see red whenever I think of what she did to me.

The rage was enough to make me break every fucking thing in my office yet again. Grabbing the ends of my desk, I flipped it over and didn't stop when the shattering of glass from the tabletop filled the room. Instead, I looked around and found another thing to break, this time it was the bookcase filled with her favorite books that she would read in here while I worked.

"FOTTUTO INFERNO," I roared before grabbing the table lamp and throwing it across the room. (FUCKING HELL)

How could she betray me so easily?

How could she take our babies away from me?

How could she leave me and our son?

I was willing to give up EVERYTHING for her. Hell, I was going to give up my own Mafia for her.

Several footsteps shuffled towards the door of my office before it was torn open and a concerned looking Alejandro and Giovanni stood facing me with grim expressions on their faces. I glanced towards Giovanni's arm that was still wrapped in a cast and looked away out of guilt.

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