Chapter 28

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Katerina De Luca


Something soft and small clung to my stomach as I fought to open my eyes. It was an internal battle that lasted just a few moments but felt like an eternity. Part of me didn't want to wake up at all, while the other part wanted to see my loving family again. Ever so slowly, my eyelids fluttered open as I squinted them up at the bright lights in the familiar luxurious hospital room I had been in before.

Wait...when did I slee--

"Oh good, you're up...again! You scared us back there, you had passed out as soon as the word 'pregnant' left my mouth," the female doctor, a hispanic woman in her late fifties laughed lightly as she gently peeled the IV off my right arm while I stared in a daze at her nametag that read 'Dr. Santiago'.

I willed my hazy mind to clear up so that I could register her words but it was barely cooperating with me. Looking down, I realized that the small bit of warmth I was feeling came from little Elijah who was sleeping on my side with his head buried into my stomach.

A small smile made its way onto my face as I reached out and gently ruffled the top of his black curls. He's the cutest baby I have ever seen, sometimes I wish I could have held him in my arms as soon as he was born. I could almost picture how adorable his teeny tiny hands and small feet would have been all bundled up into a small baby blanket.

'Babies are such blessings,' I thought to myself as I gently placed little Eli's head onto the bed and slowly lifted myself up so that I was leaning against the bed headboard.

The first thing that came into my line of vision were the various flowers of all colors and sizes elegantly decorated around the room with huge balloons that read 'congratulations'. My brows furrowed in confusion as I raised my hand up to caress the side of my aching head but my hand froze midair.

Wait... babies...





"I...I' said...I'm pregnant?" the words left my lips slowly and hesitantly as black spots began to cloud my vision. My head continuously pounded and I held it between my hands, begging silently for the pain to fade away.

"Yes, Mrs. De Luca. You are a little over a month pregnant, congratulation!" Dr. Santiago stated with a beaming smile before her face fell when she took in my expression. My eyes had widened in shock as tears quickly built up in them.

How could...I...I should be happy but I just can't. How can I be happy when I'm pregnant with a...with a... a monster's chil--

"Levati di mezzo, I need to see my wife," Arosio's enraged voice rang through the perfectly silent room from outside of the door.  A cold shiver shot up my spine as I sat perfectly still and turned my face away from the door. (Get out of my way)

I could briefly make out the voices of Alanzo and Adriano trying to stop him from entering the room but Arosio paid them no mind. Within seconds, the door flew open and hit the ground with a loud 'thud' as I jumped in the bed and began to cry even more.

Little Elijah awoke to the sound of the door slamming against the floor and looked around the room in confusion. Once Elijah made eye contact with his father who stood silently at the front of the room, the little boy seemed unfazed and instead turned his worried gaze to me. The fact that Elijah was so calm and accustomed to his father's rage both shocked and appalled me, making me pull him into my arms and turn away from the dangerous man.

"Katerina," Arosio breathed a sigh of relief when I met his eyes but his expression quickly darkened when I began to shiver in fear and turned my gaze away from him again.

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