Chapter 30

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Katerina De Luca

My eyes darted back and forth from our master bedroom door to Doctor Santiago who stood perfectly still beside my bed. The older woman looked visibly shaken up by my absurd request and remained completely silent with her mouth opening and closing every few seconds like a fish.

"Please, Arosio will be back any minute now. Please tell him what I just told you," I whispered in a low voice while trying my best to hide the urgency in my voice. Arosio left the room to take a call just a minute ago, usually he is always present in our bedroom for the doctor's house visits. This is my only chance! 

"But...I do not understand, Mrs. De Luca! Your vitals are perfectly fine, you have finished with the first trimester of your pregnancy and are officially in your second trimester. Mr. De Luca wanted to be extra careful before all of you fly off to Italy so I have come every day this week and took your vitals. I have already told him that you are perfectly healthy, how can you expect me to suddenly tell Mr. De Luca that your health is at risk and that you cannot fly tonight?" Doctor Santiago questioned gently before sitting down beside me and taking my hand in hers. She felt slightly cold, nothing like Arosio's warm hands.

"Please, just tell him that I can't fly tonight and that you will come back tomorrow to check my vitals again," I pleaded with tears in my eyes and flinched back when she raised her hand up to my shoulders.

"Are you...alright, Mrs. De Luca? Do you need any help?" Doctor Santiago whispered hesitantly as her eyes darted to the bedroom door before returning to meet my widened green eyes.

'Yes, my husband is a coldblooded killer and Mafia boss, please get me away from him' I wanted to scream aloud but instead my fists tightly gripped the silky bedsheet at my side before I plastered a fake smile on my face.

"Of course not! I am...I am completely fine. I have a surprise planned for Arosio's birthday and that is why I need him to fly to Italy a day before me..." I trailed off as my mind fought my fatigue in its attempt to come up with a plausible lie. My pregnancy has made me so tired and hungry every minute of the day. 

Technically, Arosio's birthday is tomorrow which is the day before his step-cousin, Aliana Coldwell, and the current Italy's Mafia boss, Saverio D'Amore's, wedding day. We are suppose to fly to Italy tonight and reach there tomorrow evening since it is a 14 hour flight.

"Oh, why didn't you say so earlier! You had me worried there for a second!" Doctor Santiago laughed and patted my hands gently. I smiled back awkwardly but froze when Arosio's deep voice suddenly filled the room.

"Worried? Of what? I trust that my wife is in good health, correct?" Arosio's piercing gaze was fixed on the older woman who immediately stood up and shuffled away from me so that Arosio could sit down beside me.

Without missing a beat, Arosio swiftly took a seat beside me before caressing the side of my head. Unlike my mistake last month, this time I leaned into his warm touch and even kissed his lips softly, earning a genuine smile from him within seconds.

Meanwhile, everything inside of me was screaming to get away from this man. But I can't afford to act recklessly again. After what happened with Nonno and his gun last month, Arosio sat me down and we had a long talk. He wanted me to understand that he and his family would never hurt me, and all I could do was smile and assure him that I was fine.

That we were fine.

And that we would always be together, for eternity, like he always says.

But in reality, this time tomorrow, I will be free from him... forever.

"It's nothing, honey. I am fine, right Doctor Santiago?" I smiled sweetly towards Arosio who kissed the top of my head and looked towards the confused doctor.

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