Chapter Twenty-Three: A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

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This chapter is dedicated to Cha-Ching for the awesome quote they found that fits this story amazingly well:

"First best is falling in love. Second best is being in love. Least best is falling out of love. But any of it is better than never having been in love." - Maya Angelou

Seriously love this quote <3

Anyway I'll stop rambling! ON TO THE STORY! PLEASE ENJOY::

::My Happily Never After::

Chapter Twenty-Three: A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

I lay stretched out across my bed, intent on ignoring the world as I listened to music with both headphones in. I only needed to be in lessons for the last half of the day, and I was planning on wasting my free time in this half dead state trying to forget that my dream last night had been filled with Isaac.

With eyes closed I brought an arm across my face, accidently dislodging one of the headphones with the small action. I frowned and moved to put the headphone back in place when I heard a sharp tapping.

My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, I was definitely alone in the house. It wasn’t until the tapping came again, louder this time, that I realised it wasn’t coming from my door; it was coming from my window.

My heart lodged itself in my throat.


He was the only person who ever knocked on my window to get my attention.

I hesitated, before getting up, leaving the MP3 lying on my bed still playing music.

I got the confusion of my life when I walked over to my window to open my curtains, revealing an annoyed looking Mackenzie.

Holy crap, how even…?

It took me a second to realise that he had one foot balanced precariously on one of the branches of the tree just out of the view of my window, and the other rested on my windowsill as he crouched over to knock on the glass.

My jaw popped open as I stared, frozen.

As I stood there Mackenzie gave me an exasperated look. “Open the window you idiot!” I heard his muffled voice.

I startled, before reaching forwards to lift up the bottom half of my window as wide as it could go. As soon as it was open I moved back as Mackenzie braced himself before moving all of his weight so he could duck through the space.

He was tall so he had to crouch pretty low to make it through. He let out a small curse as the back of his foot connected with the wooden frame of my window making him lose balance for a split second.

He righted himself quickly, landing a little too heavily onto the floor of my room.

“It’s further from your window from the tree outside your room than it looks.” Mackenzie commented.

I frowned. “I know.” I said. I’d already learnt that lesson the hard way when tried climbing out through the window once to try and avoid going past my parents to get out of the house when they were having a big fight. I hadn’t even come close to managing; I was actually slightly impressed that Mackenzie had.

But that still didn’t explain why he was here.

My eyebrows pulled together. “What’s going on?” I asked him, my eyes going to the window behind him, as if I’d be able to get the answer to why he’d climbed up here by doing so.

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