Chapter Twenty-Seven: Not Neverland

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Hey it's up as promised! And earlier in the day than I thought it would be!

So I worked out last night that there are about twnety chapters left on Let the Games Begin <3 Now that I have a chapter by chapter plan hopefully I'll be updating it more frequently, finishing this story is still my top priority for now though seeming as it's so close to done <3


::My Happily Never After::

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Not Neverland

The first thing I noticed when I stepped through the door of the coffee shop I work in was Mackenzie. Not because I was seeking him out – but because he was practically sprawled face down across the counter, his forehead pressed into the countertop, and his eyes scrunched closed.

“We’re closed.” Mackenzie yelled out, without looking up, as I came in.

“Mackenzie, what are you doing?” I asked in confusion.

When I spoke Mackenzie lifted his head, and then squinted at me as if he was having trouble seeing. “Taylor?” He asked in confusion.

“Yeah.” I answered, walking further in, eyeing Mackenzie warily. “What’s up with you?” I asked him bluntly.

He didn’t bother answering my question. “You’re not meant to be working until tonight.” He told me instead, straightening into a more up-right position.

“Yeah, but your uncle called me to ask if I would come by.” I explained. “Seriously – what is wrong with you?” I asked. He looked…paler than usual.

“Nothing.” Mackenzie told me, pushing himself away from the counter with the palm of his hands. He took an ungraceful step back. “I’ll go get my uncle for you.”

My eyebrows pinched together at his unsteady steps as he lifted the counter to walk around me. When he got close to me, he lost his footing slightly, knocking into me on his way past.

“Sorry.” He mumbled, straightening himself.

I glanced up at him in complete surprise, realisation dawning on me. “Are you feeling okay?” I asked. First stumbling, and then apologising – that was nothing like the Mackenzie I knew at all.

He frowned at my question. “I’m fine.” He grumbled, moving to walk past me.

I narrowed my eyes, leaning in closer.

I reached up for him, raising my hand gently. Jerkily Mackenzie moved back from me. “What are you doing?” He asked his frown deepening as he recoiled away.

I rolled my eyes. “Just stay still.” I ordered him as I lifted my palm to his forehead.

I hissed slightly through my teeth. “You’re burning up, Mackenzie!” I said, my suspicions confirmed, as I snatched my hand back.

“Yeah. I’m hot. I know.” He responded, waving away my concern with a crooked smirk.

I glared at him. “Seriously Mackenzie.” I told him with a frown. “You should be at home right now.”

He raised an eyebrow at me. “You’re worried about me?” He asked in incredulous disbelief.

I gave him a flat look. “Of course I am.” I told him in annoyance.

“Why?” He asked.

I faltered. “Because…” I didn’t actually have an answer to that. “Because I just am. That’s why.” I told him. Why did it even matter?

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