Chapter Four: Hardly Cinderella's Ball

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So I really need to stop using wriitng as a tool for procrastination >.<

But I had this mostly wirtten and I wanted to take a break from studying, so I decided to finish this chapter off :)

Thank you all those who were waiting patiently for this - I'm really loving writing this story <3

Chapter Four: Hardly Cinderella’s Ball

“Taylor how could you?” My best friend cried in betrayal, staring at me in absolute horror. I tore my eyes away from the book I was reading with a blank expression on my face.

“You didn’t even make an effort!” She cried in outrage staring down at me. “We need to be going in ten minutes and you’re not ready!”

I opened my mouth to argue that I was ready but she cut me off.

“Don’t tell me that’s what you’re planning to wear to the party.” She said looking horrified at the very idea.

I glanced down at my outfit, jeans and a tank top with ‘What would Scooby-doo?’ printed on it. Not exactly cat-walk material, but it didn’t need to be. “Rachel calm down, it’s just your brother’s party.” I said shaking my head at her. “He’s seen me in worse than this.” I assured her.

I didn’t see what the big deal was. It was hardly Cinderella’s ball we were attending. I didn’t need to be dressed to the nines.

She pulled a face. “My college aged brother, who knows college aged guys that will be at his party that I had to beg in order for us to get invited to.” I raised an eyebrow at her. “And you’re planning to go in a top that says the words ‘Scooby-doo’.” She said, clinging on to both of my arms and shaking me about frantically.

I knocked away her hands giving her a flat look. “Rachel. You’re acting like a lunatic.” I told her, fixing my hair that she had shaken out of place. “If you’re so concerned, that I’m not dressed the part, let’s just not go.” I suggested, half hopefully.

I wasn’t in the mood for partying today. Or any day for that matter.

Rachel gaped at me incredulously. “Not go? Not go!” I cringed away from her.

Clearly my proposal was completely outrageous.

I couldn’t tell if Jake’s actions of allowing Rachel to his party were that of a good brother, or a terrible friend.

I sighed. Cutting off Rachel before she could go into full-blown freak out rant mode I gave in, raising my hands in surrender. “Okay we’re definitely going.” I said, backpedalling.

Rachel huffed loudly. Her eyes still stuck on my shirt in part horror, and part disbelief.

“But I’m not changing outfits.” I said, drawing my line firmly.

Her shoulders slumped in disappointment. “But I have this perfect red dress-”

“Nope.” I refused.

“It’ll look amazing on you.” She continued anyway.

“We’re not even the same size.” I dismissed.

It didn’t deter her at all though. “It’s too short on me.” She said gesturing up to near the top of her thighs where the dress fell on her tall frame.

“Still no.” I stood my ground.

“It had bows.” She said like it should be the best thing I could ever hope for, rather than the deal breaker it was. Not that there was a deal to break.

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