Chapter Thirty-Five: Happily Never After

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FINAL CHAPTER IS HERE! I will be waffling on at the end of this for a couple of  (*cough* FOUR *cough*) reasons! ASDFGHJKL! You guys are all fantastically amazing! Thanks for all your support throught this entire stroy!

But first sorry that this took so long - I had a few things I needed to take care of :) x However it's all sorted now! And my god how awesome is it that I'm finally posting the last ever chapter for this story?

(Excuse my ramble-ness later on - I couldn't sleep last night so I just kept on writing instead, hopefully now this is done I'll catch an hours kip and be a little less...well nonsense-y) The chapter is probably no where near as long as it looks <3


::My Happily Never After::

Chapter Thirty-Five: Happily Never After

“I’m not going to lie, this silence is making me a tad uncomfortable.” Jake tried to break the awkward air that rested between us by cracking a joke.

I grimaced slightly, giving him a half-hearted smile. “Sorry.” I mumbled.

Despite the fact I’d stayed up ridiculously late last night trying to find the right words to say to Jake today, being faced with him my tongue felt completely dry and any words that had seemed right before had flown completely from my mind.

Wincing to myself I bowed my head, staring intently at the floor.

From the last few years I couldn’t recall a single awkward moment between Jake and I that we hadn’t been able to laugh away – but this silence was suffocating.

Jake let out a long uncomfortable sigh from next to me.

Say something, Taylor! I begged myself mentally.

With my jaw set in stubborn determination I lifted my head and sucked in a deep breath. But before I got a chance to say anything Jake spoke first.

“I’m sorry.” He blurted.

I blinked. “What?” I asked in utter confusion.

I’d been imagining this conversation several times over in my head ever since the day he’d said he liked me, but not once had I pictured that it would be him saying sorry to me.

If anything I thought I would be apologising to him. Profusely. With a side of grovelling.

Jake gave me a small smile. “For never telling you that I knew.” He didn’t give me time to respond about him already having apologised about that before he continued. “And also for telling you…” He cleared his throat with an embarrassed wince. “…I’ve made you uncomfortable.” He said sadly. “I-”

With wide eyes I quickly cut him off by shaking my head. “Don’t apologise for that.” I told him seriously. “You-” My throat closed around my words, cutting them off. I swallowed sharply. “You were able to do something I was never able to. I admire that more than I can tell you.”

Jake’s face softened at my words, and his smile became something more real.

“Really?” He asked.

I nodded my head, glancing back down at the ground again.

“Then…” He trailed off, not finishing the rest of his sentence.

My eyebrows drew together at I looked at him.

He looked embarrassed, and he brought up a hand to run through his hair. “You’re not mad?” He asked hopefully.

My Happily Never AfterWhere stories live. Discover now