Plans for the Future

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There is a mature moment in the beginning. Well, mature for this story so really nervous while writing it. I haven't gone this far before so let me know what you think!

Katara's POV

I laughed as Zuko led me to the changing rooms in the back. Before I could speak, his lips were on mine in an almost hungry way. Zuko had me with my back against the wall, his hands on my hips while my hands went through his hair causing a moan to slip from his mouth. He pulled back and I looked right into his golden eyes. It felt like so long since we were alone or not talking about ways to defeat Azula or all the other crap. If anything, the heat rising in my body should show just how long it's been. Who better to help me extinguish it but a firebender?

In the next moment, both of our shirts were on the ground and my hands were trailing down Zuko's chest, teasingly. I took my time letting my fingers trace his chest and six-pack causing a visible shiver to run through Zuko. When I reached the top of his pants, I grabbed it and pulled him until we were chest to chest and kissed him again. I gave his bottom lip a small nip with a smile and felt Zuko smile against my lips.

He spun us around and quickly lifted me onto the counter before kissing me again. His hands moved from my hips until one on my butt, holding me firmly in place, while his other moved to my inner thigh. I might have said that he wouldn't be able to firebend but I didn't think about this. He brought me right to the edge until I couldn't take it.

"Zuko, please." I whispered and he wasted no time in giving me what I wanted.


I can't believe I just did that in a public space. Anyone could've walked in like Suki did but I was so wrapped up at the moment, I didn't care.

We were walking back to the others and I was trying to keep a calm face. Though I don't know if I'll be able to stop myself from blushing if Suki gives me that look. Zuko pointed out the others who appeared to be having some type of meeting. Suddenly, the real world came crashing down and I didn't have to worry about my face giving away anything.

"I got some kids grading papers to help the professors submit their grades on time," Sokka was explaining, "They are also from different fighting styles so no one to suggest foul play."

"That was very wise of you," Iroh said from a table off to the side. He was drinking tea as usual but wore the same serious expression as everyone else.

"Even if the professors get the grades in on time, what will we do if we don't get enough votes?" Toph asked. Zuko and I looked at each other simultaneously, knowing smiles on our faces.

"The point of the meeting is to prove that we don't care about our studies," Zuko started.

"So let's show them how wrong they are." I finished. We quickly explained what we meant and soon everyone was wearing matching smiles. I glanced at Iroh who had a twinkle in his eye.

"Do you think we can do it in time?" Aang asked. Toph poked him in the side.

"Only one way to find out!" She answered in conviction, before grabbing Aang's hand and walking to the exit. "Those of you who can text should get started." The others quickly pulled out of their phones. Sokka held a conflicted face before shaking his head and gave everyone their assignments. Suddenly, I felt Zuko lean against me. I looked up at his face and realized that he was in more pain than he wanted the others to know. We made our way towards Iroh and sat down. Iroh poured us each a cup of tea which I learned was his way of saying hi or that he wanted to talk.

"I'm relieved to see you safe, Nephew," He said before turning to me, "and where you belong." I blushed but also felt a sense of relief. Iroh has been more of a father to Zuko than Ozai and his opinion mattered the most to Zuko. "But we need to think about the future, not just the present issue."

"What do you mean?" Zuko asked. "Do you mean after the vote?"

"Of course!"I said in shock that I'm just now realizing the problem. "After the vote, Ozai will still be the headmaster! I doubt losing one vote will stop him from trying again."

"Well getting rid of the headmaster, without a replacement, wouldn't work. They'd most likely close the school which would be the same problem." Zuko said. We both looked at Iroh who appeared deep in thought. "I know I'm technically next to run the school but that would be hard since I'm still a student."

"What do you mean you're next to run the school?" I asked, this was the first I heard of this.

"My grandfather founded this school," Zuko explained, "then my father took over. I'm the firstborn so it's been ingrained in me since I was young."

"If that's the case, shouldn't Iroh be the headmaster?" I asked. Iroh head dipped down and Zuko looked uncomfortable.

"That is another story," Iroh said. He remained quiet for a few more seconds before lifting himself up. "While it's true a student can't be a headmaster, Zuko is the one needed to turn this school around."

"I'm not sure the other students would agree with you," Zuko said sounding a bit defeated. Before Iroh or I could say anything a voice interrupted, "You'd be surprised."

We turned and saw those two waterbenders that Zuko had helped open the arena for a few months ago. They were the last people I expected to pop up.

"You were a jackass and most kids would agree," one said, causing the other to laugh, "but they would also say you've also changed."

"You started this whole rebellion," the other added, "Secrets don't stay hidden for long. We know you tried to hide it."

"You did? Why?" I asked.

"I wasn't sure kids would show up if they knew it was me," Zuko answered.

"And you're probably right," the first said with a laugh of his own, "Only they know now and are ready to follow you and Katara into the next stage."

"Against the headmaster and after," the second added. Zuko cleared his throat and nodded. I smiled and mouthed, thank you. They smiled back and walked away.

"I guess you're still not comfortable with human interaction," I said trying to hide a laugh. Zuko reached out took my hand.

"Never with you," he said and I couldn't stop a laugh from escaping this time.

"Are you sure about that? I seem to remember some awkward moments at the beginning of our relationship." I countered with a smile.

"Like what? It's always been easy to talk to you," Zuko said with a confused, cute look.

"I seem to remember laughing at your weak attempt to stop me in the hall," I explained. I laughed at the look of realization then shyness that crossed his face.

"Didn't deter you from checking me out during our training session," he said with a smirk. It used to annoy but I couldn't help but smile as he leaned closer.

"What can I say? You do have a nice six-pack." I joked. His eyes held a look that I knew very well. It was the same look back in the healing hut but he seemed to forget that we had company.

"Hold your ostrich horses," I said, pushing his face away, "your uncle is sitting right there." Zuko's eyes widened as he remembered where we were. He turned to his uncle with a sheepish face, his ears turning red.

"I'm sorry, Uncle," he apologized with a bow of his head. Iroh appeared stern before laughing.

"You never need to apologize for love, Nephew," he said making both of us blush, "but there are times when restraint is needed."

I know, I know, it must've seemed like I was never going to update and I apologize for making you all wait. I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to update sooner!

A big thanks to @TheTrillest for being the first vote on Grateful but Confused and everyone else who voted!

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

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