A Little Bit of Fun

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Zuko's POV

"Can you explain why Ty Lee called me at six in the morning, ranting about how she saw you dancing with that water bender at the Jasmine Dragon?" Mai said to me the next morning. I let out a sigh as I looked up from my laptop. I knew this conversation was coming but was unsure of how Mai would react. Her face didn't give anything away, but that was normal.

"Probably because I was and Ty Lee is a morning person." Mai didn't smile or even hum a response as I hoped but continued to stare at me, waiting for a real answer. "My father told me to 'handle' Jet. The first move was kicking his ass in duel swordsmanship yesterday."

"And how does dancing with the waterbender fit in this?" Mai asked, her arms crossed and patience waning.

Yesterday in class

"So how is the Prince today?"  Jet said right as I stepped into the class. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and walked towards the faux swords to start warming up. Jet didn't know when to quit as he chose to block my path. Of course, he had his goons with him. Does he go anywhere without a bunch of guys around him?

"I was doing great until an insect decided to bother me," I responded, my tone laced with boredom.

"Watch it."  Jet said as his fists tightened. Damn, I'm already getting on his nerves? I haven't even done anything. 

"You got in MY way, not the other way around," I said. I walked past him and began my warm-ups. Though my back was turned to the group, I could feel his eyes boring into my back. Master Plandao entered the room before Jet could think of a comeback.

"For today, you all need a sparring partner." Oh, this is just too perfect, I thought as I sent a smirk towards Jet. I found my partner who seemed confused when I walked over to him. There was no way he was going to decline in front of his friends.

"How about we make this interesting?" I said about halfway into the lesson. We were practicing movements, no real sparring, which seemed to add to Jet's confusion. I hadn't tried to escalate the lesson or made a snarky comment, waiting for the right moment.

"Oh yeah?" He responded, slight hesitation making its self known in his voice. "What do you have in mind?"

"Soon, Master Plandao will be leaving the room to deal with something. When he does, I say we take things farther than a simple sparring match."

"And how do you know this?" Jet asked skeptically. At that moment, the phone in the corner rang, and one of the assistants called Master Plandao over. They spoke in hushed tones before he announced that he was going to step out. 

"So what do you say?"  I taunted, sending a smirk his way. His fingers fidgeted on the sword handle as he considered my proposal. It was clear he was teetering and I was going to need to tip him over the edge.

"Yeah, right." Jet snorted. "We spar, I kick your ass, and then you run to your dad or the Master to rat me out. I'm not falling for that." 

"And what makes you think you would even win?" I asked in a louder tone. His goons heard me, like I wanted, and I knew I had him backed into a corner.

"Ok, but a normal match won't do. If I'm going to waste my time and energy kicking your ass, I at least want something out of it." Jet challenged, his voice changing as we now had an audience.

"And what would that be?" I asked him.

He smirked before answering, "How about $200?" 

"Sure." I agreed. Money wasn't an issue, especially that small of an amount. "But since I don't need the money, and I doubt you even have that much to give away," (His eyebrows furrowed at my words) "I want something else." 

"Which is?" He asked, while trying to remain in charge.

I stopped for a second. What would piss Jet off? He doesn't seem to care about much, except his reputation. "What's your girlfriend's name again?"

"You leave her out of this." Jet snarled. He took a step towards me in what I assumed was meant to be menacing but had no effect on me.

"Don't worry; I'm not asking for much. It's Friday so you'll most likely be going to the Jasmine Dragon." He responded to my question with a glare, which meant I was right. "Then how about this. Since you'll be too sore when this is over, how about a dance with whatever her name is?"

I hate dancing, but when I saw the look on his face, I knew this was perfect. Plus when his girlfriend finds out, she won't be happy with him either and won't even want to dance with me.

Back to the Present

"So you kicked his ass?" I nodded. "And you made him bet his girlfriend?" Another nod. "One last question. Did you enjoy dancing with her?" Mai asked.

"No," I said automatically. She stared into my eyes and just nodded.

"Then you better make sure it stays that way." She threatened before leaving. What I didn't say was that there was a moment, just a moment, when I let myself relax, and I had a little fun. Not because I was pissing off Jet but just fun. And I still don't know her name.


I started heading back to the dorm a little while later. The halls were quiet since it was the weekend and nobody wanted to be inside. I didn't feel like socializing though, and Mai disappeared, so I just kept it at a slow pace.

"Oh, there you are Zuzu. I wondered where you've been hiding." Azula said as she came around the corner.

"I haven't been hiding. I had a paper to write and was in the library. Mai found me pretty easily." 

"About that, what are your plans for the waterbender?" Azula asked and stopped me in the middle of the hall, waiting for my answer.

"Nothing. It was a one-time thing. Jet lost and had to submit. Now he knows who holds power in this school." At this, Azula shook her head in mock disappointment.

"Oh Zuzu, thinking small like always. I was going to handle that waterbender in the new project that Father has created. Only the beginning of this story gives me a brilliant idea."

Oh, dear spirits. Azula has an idea. Please help me. 

Another chapter, up and finished! I'm having a lot of fun with this story, and I hope you're enjoying this too. Please let me know what you think with comments and votes.

Remember smile at least once a day :)  

Zutara- Fire, Water, Steam ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon