Now or Never

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Zuko's POV

There was no turning back but for the first time, I knew I was in the right place. My whole life has felt like one mistake after another but that changed once a met Katara. My father was wrong and I was not going to sit back anymore. I didn't need his approval and I didn't want it.

"This is it! Toph and Suki, I need you guys out here to stop more guards from coming." I said as I sheathed my swords. Now it was time for a different battle and I wasn't going to need my swords for that. I pushed the door open, loudly, causing all the eyes to snap to the doorway. We walked in as if we were suppose to be there and were just late. My father's eyes held fury but other's appeared grateful. They must be the ones being blackmailed. "Hello Father. I'm sorry I'm late."

"Son, I wasn't aware that you would be attending. Although you are not needed. The school board and I are dealing with matters outside your concern."

"I would have to disagree Father. It wouldn't be everyday matters for you to go to such extreme measures to not be found." I countered, "Also, we are students. You are discussing our future. Anything you say is our concern."

"I'm impressed Ozai. Your son is so invested in school affairs." One of the council members, who was on our side, spoke up. The rest murmered their own thoughts of approval.

My father was trapped between wanting to save face infront of the board and his true parenting skills. When he gave a slow nod, clenching his fists, we bowed to the council before taking a seat in front where we could not be ignored. I took my seat but had Katara beside me. No matter what it a looked like, a part of me was terrified. That I would let them all down and fail. But having her there reminded me of the most important thing. It wasn't just me.

"Headmaster, we are here to give our thoughts on your plans to change the academy." Sokka spoke up before anything else could be said. "As students of different studies, you can see how this upsets us."

"That is easy to say but I think you would find that hard to prove." My father said with a smirk. "From the data I have gathered it is quite the opposite."

"Yes about that data," Katara spoke with an amused voice which annoyed my father, "what is your reasoning to have us expelled?" She was mocking him and it was showing on his face. The headmaster had planned on talking to a room of people who feared him and would do what he said without question. Did he even have a "presentation"?

"I noticed a decline in grades and plain effort these past months," the headmaster began, "because of this I asked our professors to send me their records. There has been no improvement of the students outside the fire department." He spoke in his deep, intimidating voice. A growl in the under tone. I recognized what he was doing and frowned. The coward was hoping to scare them more than persuade them.

"And you think that's enough to dismiss a majority of your students?" Aang asked. "The lack of access to resources might have something to do with any so-called declines."

"What does he mean lack of resources?" A member asked fully shock and concerned. "The academy is known for the amount of resources available to all the students."

"He means," I spoke before giving my father a chance, "all arenas, sparing areas and armory outside of the firebenders has been closed." Many of the members had looks of outrage.

"Ozai, please explain."

"The students were mishandling the equipment and abusing the opportunities they were given." The headmaster spoke right away. "Repairs had to be made and their behavior required punishment. I couldn't let them believe that was acceptable."

"This coming from every study except firebending? I find that very hard to believe." A woman spoke up. "How long were the areas sealed?"

"In the months leading to finals ma'am." Katara spoke kindly, "My is Katara ma'am, waterbender, and we were unaware of the headmaster's reason. If it really was a punishment as he claims, wouldn't it have been more effective if we were told?"

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