Grateful But Confused

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I had gone in and out of consciousness that I wasn't sure how much time had passed. Azula hadn't been back since her first visit, but her goons would come now and again. I could have gone without those visits. They got bored of hitting me in the chair and instead hung me from my wrists like a punching bag. My feet dragged against the floor when I became too tired to stand up but forced myself to stand when the chains dug into my skin. Even if I had the strength to firebend, my hand were numb from when Azula kicked my chair, and I would never make it past the guards.

"You've lasted a lot longer than I thought." Azula laughed as she walked into the room. I mustered what strength I had and stood up as much as I could to stare back at her.

"Oh great, you decided to come back."

"We are family. I needed to make sure you were being taken care of." She responded with dry humor.

"Azula, we found this girl lurking around the building. Lee said he's seen her with Zuko before." A random guy said as he threw someone into the room. Suki fell onto the floor, looking exhausted but still managed to glare at Azula.

"At least someone has come for you. I must have underestimated how much those losers cared for you. It's been almost two days and nothing." Azula said annoyed, "From what my sources say, they haven't stopped trying to change the vote. Not that they'll have any luck."

"I wouldn't underestimate my friends." Suki said gritting through her teeth.

"I was expecting the water tribe girl but I guess this will do." Azula said with a sneer. "If my brother wasn't enough then maybe she'll help draw the others out. Tie her up next to Zuko." They roughly grabbed Suki and hung her on a hook across from me and I was able to see how much they hurt her. She screamed when they lifted her arms which means they must have done serious damage to her ribs. Azula and the others simply laughed at her pain before leaving. I waited until I could no longer hear their footprints before speaking.

"Suki, are you ok?" I asked frantically.

"How long until they come back?" She replied sounding stronger than before.

"It varies." I answered.

"Then we have no time to lose." Suki said standing up straight, the complete opposite of the girl screaming in pains a few moments before. She reached into her hair, pulled out a bobby pin, and began picking the lock. From her position she was having difficulties seeing the lock and in one fluid motion she grabbed hold of the chain and lifted her lower body until she upside down. It was as if she was standing simply looking at the lock. I stared at her in shock as she freed herself before jumped lightly to ground, barely making a noise, and walking over to free me.

"What the hell?" I asked causing her to laugh.

"You really think Azula's idiots could have caught me if I didn't want them to? Zuko, I'm almost offended but since you look like shit I'll give you a pass." Suki said, successfully picking my lock and slowly lowering my arms. I bit my lip to stop from releasing a loud groan.

"Sorry, but I'm still a bit confused. Grateful but confused," I said.

"Once Katara realized you were missing, we were ready to drop everything to come and save you. Then Sokka figured out that that was exactly what Azula wanted and Katara thought of a plan. I could tell it was killing her not coming right away but we had to be smart."

"And getting yourself captured is smart?"

"It is when you leave a trail for the others to follow." Suki countered, showing the palm of her hand. there were faint traces of chalk but nothing to obvious. "It shouldn't be much longer til we hear the others. Are you going to be able to walk."

Zutara- Fire, Water, Steam ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt