Chapter 28

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Couldn't find a song, but if you have one, then please let me know.



Eleventh Grade

Paranoid. That's what my parents are calling me. I know that someone has been following. Everyday on my way home the same car follows me. I haven't seen the face of the driver, but I'm worried. I think this may be because of the note. Maybe that person who threatened me years ago has realized that I put the note in the time capsule. I keep telling my parents that I'm not lying, someone is following me. And I had no idea who until my dad threatened me. He said he knew that I knew about the secret. He's the one who has been threatening me. He hired people to follow me. I think he may even want me dead.

He really doesn't want Emily to know. I mean in a way the truth is life changing, but it's also good news. It can be a good life changing. I don't understand why my parents kept that secret and I also don't know why they felt they had to do that. It's such a horrible thing they did. Emily deserves the truth, but I don't want to have to die for her to know. It's scary. I heard one conversation that I wasn't supposed to. That conversation put my life in danger. My father is a psychopath. Threatening your daughters life just because you screwed up. It's not right. But now I'm always on guard. I always check my surroundings. And I don't let Emily go anywhere alone.

I'm not paranoid. But no one believes me. I stay away from my father, and I even try to avoid my mother. She can be a part of this. I just may not know yet. I'm scared that they'll kill me, but I'm even more scared that they'll kill Emily. She doesn't deserve to die. She's never done anything wrong. She's better than me. She deserves to live and I hope my father lets her.

I want to tell her so badly, but I'm scared that that would be me carelessly putting her life in danger. But if I told her then we can leave this place together. Once we finish senior year, I'm getting us both out of here. We'll leave and we'll never come back. Ever. She's the only person I need in my life in order to live. I mean yeah I love my best friends and my boyfriend, but it's not the same as my sister. When we leave we won't tell anyone. No one will know where we go. But we have a year and half left. But thinking about it a year and half isn't that long. It will go by in no time. Time flies.

"Emma!" I hear Emily scream from her room.

"What?" I scream back.

"Can you make me a sandwich?"

I roll my eyes then remember she can't see me. "Fine, text me what you want in it." She said okay and I went downstairs and waited for the text.

Em Bread, cheese, roast beef, lettuce, pickles, and mayo. Thank you! Oh and by the way Xander called me and told me to tell you to check your messages.

I already knew everything that she wanted in her sandwich, I don't know why I asked. I check my phone to see if Xander did text me. He did, but I didn't even notice.

Xander Movie night? Tonight? Em can join us, and Dan, and Mack. Everyone?

Emma Yeah, tell everyone to be at my house at eight!

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