Chapter Fifteen: S.U.R.V.I.V.E!

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Ichigo and the others couldn't believe what had happened, they were so close to getting into the Soul Society and now they practically had to go back to square one. The orange-haired teen, stomping his feet Ichigo growled.

Ichigo: Dammit! We were so close and now we're even further away, in fact, I don't even know where we are now!

Chad: Ichigo, it's okay we'll be able to get back up and there.

Uryu: Yes, and getting angry about it will not solve anything in the long run.

Ichigo: I know but still it's just . . . . Wait a minute . . . . Um guys . . . . Where's Y/N?

Everyone stopped and looked to see that you were nowhere in sight, looking in all directions but you were nowhere to be found. 

Orihime: But didn't he fall with us, where could he have gone that fast?

Uryu: Hold on, you don't think he . . . .

Remembering your ability to follow them to the Soul Society everyone looked in the distance realizing where you had gone off to now. Each of them has a look of concern on their faces. Yoruichi's cat eyes gleamed and sharpened at this. The black cat knew you were strong and could definitely take on a captain, but the entirety of the Soul Society was another question.

Yoruichi's Thoughts: I hope you know what you're getting yourself into Y/N.


Walking through a deep blue realm of nothingness you awaited for the right moment to strike. There was no way you were going to waste this opportunity, but you were at crossed roads at the moment. Attacking him now would be the perfect element of surprise, but if it even worked you would have others on your back. But if you fail he could counterattack and strike as well. Tapping your chin you decided to go with what you thought would be the best option.

Your Thoughts: It would be better if Strawberry and the others could have come with me here, but I'm going to have to do this carefully. So, I'm going to have to do something I thought I would never do. I'm going to have to wait it out and . . . . What?

The world around you suddenly flickered for a minute with your body moving forward. It was seeing this you realized you had run out of time. The marker on the silver-haired man's sword was starting to run out meaning you would be forced out into the open. Just as you tried to keep yourself from moving once more you suddenly felt your body moving forward at high speeds. You knew this would end badly and got prepared.


Gin kept his usual smile on his face as he and the others walked away from the closed gate. The others weren't paying attention to him, but he was quite glad that he had gotten rid of you. Feeling your presence it was much too similar to that of a Hollow but at the same time, he could tell you were not a Hollow. Part of Gin would have liked to know what exactly you were actually, but he knew if you appeared here again. Others after learning about your existence would do such dastardly things to you. Gin was thinking about a certain twisted mind in the Soul Society.

Gin's Thoughts: Well, I guess the only we have to do now is focus on scheduling Ms. Kuchiki's execution--

Neither Gin nor the others around him were prepared for the blinding blue light coming from Gin's Zanpakuto. Everyone was looking away from the light unable to understand why it was giving off such a light. Through his squinted eyes, Gin was able to see something leap out of his sword and take form. That's when he realized it was someone having appeared from his blade.

Gin and the assailant made eye contact for a brief moment before they dashed towards the Soul Society vanishing quite fast as well. The light had soon vanished afterward with everyone around staring in all directions. Gin continued looking in the direction of the Soul Society and couldn't help chuckle quietly.

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