Chapter Twenty: Test of Speed

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For the time being, you could not stop eyeing the woman before you now. No longer a small black cat with an oddly masculine voice and now quite the fascinating specimen. Even with the steam around her. It was actually hard for you to not look at them. Those legs, the tone of skin, and those eyes. Good grief, those eyes were the things you were looking at the most. But you immediately shook out of this thought. Not wanting Yoruichi to see you looking at her like that, but you had a feeling she knew.

Yoruichi: I still can't believe you are not surprised by my transformation.

Y/N: Trust me, I've seen things much more odd than a shapeshifter, besides, if it was Strawberry instead of I then he would have probably flipped out. So why did you disguise yourself as a cat of all things?

Yoruichi: Remember that I am a fugitive of the Soul Society, I have to keep myself hidden in more ways than one. Plus, I have a liking to the cat form. But enough of this, for right now it would be best to keep you here for now. Don't worry I'll be bringing Ichigo here soon, he's going to need another push in the right direction.

Y/N: Fine, I already ran into a punch of annoying people anyway, especially some weird guy with glasses.

Yoruichi frowned hearing this while looking at you now. She immediately asked what this person looked like and you described them in detail about their appearance. Describing the brown hair and glasses and the strange demeanor coming off them. You even went as far as to say that this guy kind of looked like a familiar comedian from your universe before everything hit the fan.

Y/N: He looked like this Josh Groban guy my brother said something about when we fought each other in the past.

Yoruichi: Aizen, that man was Sosuke Aizen, he is one of the squad captains and someone you need to be wary of now. I know about your success in defeating Kepachi Zaraki, but Sosuke Aizen is another captain you should be cautious around. The others are Shunsui Kyoraku, Joshiro Ukitake, Retsu Unohana, and Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto.

Y/N: This Genryusai sounds--

Yoruichi: He is the Head Captain of the entirety of the Gotei 13 and someone who will not be hesitant to find you and eliminate you. Especially since your biology is quite similar to that of Hollows.

Thinking long about this you shrugged and sat back down before deciding to venture around the area. Zipping away from Yoruichi who was quite amazed with your speed at the moment. There were only a few people she knew who were fast and could surprise her and one of them was the enemy. Soon an idea came across Yoruichi's mind as she still had some time before she needed to go and find Ichigo and the others. Plus, she did not want to test you out, especially when hearing about your accomplishments.

Meanwhile, you were quite surprised with how large this place was, it was quite roomy with all the rocks and stuff around here. Also, you saw a hot spring around the place much to your curiosity. But as you were about to take off once more around the place, Yoruichi suddenly appeared in front of you. Poking you on the nose which only confused you for a moment, but then you noted how fast she moved to get your location.

Y/N: Huh . . . . You're quite fast . . . . But I've seen better.

Yoruichi: Is that so?

Y/N: Yes.

You looked towards the woman before you, she smirked at you as a smile spread across your face. Putting together what Yoruichi had been trying to do now. How long has it been since you tested your speed out? Against Dante, Byakuya, but it did not matter because right now it was time for you to show her what true speed really is. Before a rock hit the ground and before even a random sound spread throughout the area the two of you disappeared.

~ Meanwhile ~

Things were not going so well for everyone right about now, they were still separated from one another. Sado was hiding in a tree from the Shinigami, Uryu and Orihime were dealing with a Soul Reaper right about now. But Ichigo was dealing with another pain right about now. Ikkaku Madarame appeared out of the blue with a friend named Yumichika. Ganju had gone off to deal with him as Ichigo faired against Ikkaku.

Things appeared to be even but Ichigo really did not have time to be dealing with someone like this guy now. But he could not shake them off as their way of fighting was kind of hard to deal with right now. Taking a swing at them they quickly dodged, while countering with their scabberd and attempting to strike with their blade. As this battle continued they would both land a blow resulting in blood leaking from their faces. But Ichigo would be annoyed with Ikkaku for stopping the bleeding on his head.



Ichigo: Not happening!

As this was going on Ichigo was hoping everyone else was doing alright, even Ganju since he had no idea what was going on with him. But alas, he had to focus more on what was going on right now with his battle beforehand. But just where the heck did you go right about now?

~ Meanwhile ~

It was as if time was going at a much slower rate with the two of you as continued your game of cat and mouse. This insane game of tag was just getting started as the two of you vanished from the area. If someone was watching they would be unable to watch you and Yoruichi go at it. For a moment Yoruichi would flicker into reality again. But would eventually avoid getting touched by you as you appeared from reality. You would appear once more and vanish again.

There was nothing you could hear but the sound of your heart beating as you zipped around the place after Yoruichi. You could not believe she was moving this fast as you attempted to grab her once more. Missing once more as she evaded you again. You attempted this once more but Yoruichi leaped away. But you were hot on her tail once more. 

You clicked your tongue having missed her just by an inch before picking up the pace. Focus on the target before you slow down for just a moment. Concentrating your power before letting it out in a swift motion. Similar to the quickdraw with Yamato, you vanished from Yoruichi's sight to her surprise as she looked back to see you blink out of existence.

Looking around while not slowing down in the slightest, Yoruichi could not comprehend where you had gone. Surely, you did not leave the area. But only she knew where the exit was right now. But as she made a turn she slammed into the chest of the now-visible you. You caught Yoruichi before she fell. You looked down at her with a simple smirk on your face having finally caught her. Yoruichi seeing this asked what did you do to move like that.

Y/N: I simply concentrated my energy on one point before releasing like how I would perform my Judgement Cut. Instead, I focused on my acceleration and entered a domain of speed like never before. Though, I will admit you had me on my toes for quite some time. Which also helped me focus my speed even more.

Yoruichi: Well then . . . I must say that was quite impressive, I may have lost my name of Flash Master thanks to you.

Y/N: Drop it, I can't use the flash step anyway so calling me that would be pointless. By the way aren't you supposed to be going after Strawberry?

Yoruichi: I have time for one more game of tag, besides, I think this might be good for him as I do not believe he is in too much danger.

You let out a chuckle before the two of them suddenly vanished from each other's sight once more. Whoever touched the other eight times would be the winner and it seems you were going to be the one to come out on top as things continued onward.

~ Meanwhile ~

Kenpachi lay on the hospital bed as his injuries had been tended to, right now the latter was unconscious. But as he lay there, Aizen would appear before him. Amazed that someone was able to best Kenpachi of all people. Adjusting his glasses and letting a smile creep on his face he had a feeling that this new specimen would be quite interesting for his work. He would find him before Mayuri or anyone else and perhaps unlock the latter's secrets.

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