Chapter Six: The Hard Task of Keeping a Job

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You looked at Karin with annoyance while Yuzu was trying to calm the two of you down, Ichigo wasn't at home now due to school and Isshin was gone doing something. Karin thought this would be the right time to tell you something that would probably tick you off.

Karin: Said it before and I'll say it again, you're not gonna just lie around here being a freeloader, so you're going to go out and get a job.

Yuzu: Hey why don't you ask our dad for a job here?

You growled hearing this, you were just going to go out for a walk to clear your head from last night, you were a little annoyed that your fight was stopped thanks to that Byakuya guy, and speaking of him, you needed to ask Rukia about him later. Well if you could find her though as you couldn't really locate her now for some reason but alas back to the subject at hand.

Y/N: Fine... I'll go look for a job, I'll be--

Yuzu: Wait... You can't go out wearing that then!

You looked down at your blue coat along with your swords before looking back up at Yuzu, doing this a couple of times before looking back up at the dirty blonde girl.

Y/N:... What's wrong with what I'm wearing?

Karin: Well for one you look like a man who's about to go out and murder someone.

Your Thoughts: I might.

Karin: Second no one is going to probably hire someone who looks like a murder.

Your Thoughts: I am a demon slayer.

Karin: And third *holds her nose* when was the last time you took a bath?


Yuzu: Wait Y/N please calm down.

Yuzu quickly stood in front of her sister hoping you wouldn't do anything rash, this caused you to growl before thinking about the situation. You had nowhere to go and they were letting you stay here plus you couldn't just stay here without pulling some kind of weight, sighing you walked towards the bathroom grumbling about annoying pests before slamming the door behind you.

Yuzu and Karin could hear the shower water start before watching the steam rise from under the door, Karin walked over to a closet where her dad had got some new clothes for you to wear as it seems that what you had on was the only thing you wore.

After literally staying in the shower for about 30 minutes you came out wrapped in a towel getting ready to head to your room when Karin handed you a thing of clothes. You looked down at them with slight interest, a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and an (F/C) jacket.

Your left eye twitched a bit seeing the clothing even though it was kind of your style you still hate the fact that you had put on something different than your usual clothing. After a bit of struggling with the clothes, you walked out the door only to be stopped Karin once again.

Karin: Leave the swords.

Y/N: What?!

Karin: Leave... The swords.

You growled hearing this before throwing Yamato and Force Edge into a corner and right before you were about to leave out the door Karin spoke once again.

Karin: And those gauntlets I saw a while ago.


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