Chapter Twenty-One: More Power

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Opening your eyes you were witnessing a world of blue, this was the world you had experienced when chasing Yoruichi. Somehow you had tapped into speed like no tomorrow and allowed yourself to move behind the limits of what Yamato allowed. But this blue world was quite weird as everything was moving differently compared to before. It also felt like you expanded your power out to utilize this maneuver. Like you had made some kind of personal domain that you had access to now.

Chuckling you decided it was time to test out something within the place. Extending your hand out and waving it down something incredible happened. Following the motion your hand was a slash almost like you had performed Judgement Cut. Trying it with a finger the same effect occurred. Causing you to grin with this discovery, suddenly the world around you started to darken and before you knew it. Everything went back to normal as you reappeared back in the place you had been training with Yoruichi.

Taking a breath to clear your thoughts and mind you were impressed with what you had just discovered. Grinning from ear to ear you thought of who you would attempt this on first. The first person coming to your mind was Byakuya. Remembering the embarrassing defeat at his hands when your body had to ADAPT to this new world. Now that things had cleared up with your physique you were ready for round two. Which you would make the final round.

Then there was that Renji character you had fought, but then your mind went back to that weird glasses wearing individual. Something about that guy felt strange to you and something was telling you to get rid of him fast. Thinking carefully about this, but you would need to do some more analyzing of him before anything else. Sighing you were about to sit down and think once more when a wisp of wind caught your attention.

Knowing it was Yoruichi you suspected it was time for round three of your little speed match. But you turned and was not expecting to see Yoruichi and an unconscious Ichigo. Looking at the unconscious individual you wondered as to what had happened to him. Also wondering as to how long you had been in here as there was no clock. But from the condition that Ichigo was in, you had a feeling something did not go well.

Y/N: I have a feeling that Strawberry attempted something suicidal and everything went horribly wrong.

Yoruichi: Suicidal does not begin to tolerate what he had planned, this maniac after defeating Ikkaku Madarame and a couple others attempted to go after Rukia. But encountered Byakuya Kuchiki on the way there. Injured and exhausted, he attempted to fight him. 

Y/N: And let me guess you drugged him with something to put him to sleep and then came back here to further train him.

Yoruichi: Yes, now I think it might be time for him to unlock Bankai, it's the only way for him to have a chance against Byakuya.

Y/N: So how's he going to do that.

Yoruichi smirked at you, something that you had seen a lot of other times and wondered what she had in mind. That's when she pointed a finger at you which got your attention. Looking around for a moment you realized what she wanted you to do now. She wanted you to have a literal sparring session with Ichigo. But did you guys really have enough time to do something like that now.

Yoruichi: Kisuke and I had unlocked our Bankai in a similar way, we technically had to fight our Zanpakuto to better understand them. But with you here there might be a change in the way things are now. But we must hurry though, they might be attempting to speed up Rukia's execution and I have not heard from Ichigo's friends in a while.

You clicked your tongue hearing this before looking down toward the unconscious boy. Thinking about what needs to be done you decided it would be best to get things done now. Walking over to the unconscious Ichigo. Kicking him in the side the young man would stir for a moment but would immediately awaken after receiving another kick.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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