The Queen (43)

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We had finally finished getting everyone who was sleeping over in the palace tonight settled in the building. Before I never really had to do this task, It was usually dad and mom who dealt with this. Mainly it was mom's job. But I knew better than to give a woman who just lost her husband work. She needed to morn. Despite not being the one that killed dad, I still felt responsible. If I had not gotten myself nearly killed perhaps dad would still be here today.

I then threw myself onto the first couch I saw and finally allowed my legs a break from all the hard work. I never knew how much work that was. Now I could have asked Ellie for help, but she was a crying mess as well. Damien on the other hand was just as clueless as me on this matter. So, I decided to have him look after the women while I figured things out on my own. The number of couples who requested separate sleeping arrangements from their partners was totally absurd. I wanted to rip my head off at some point. Not to mention the number of parents who threw their daughters at me in hopes of having them become my queen.

After a few moments of silence, I then sat up on the couch and tried to remove my shoes. That was when I first noticed that I was in fact not alone in the lounge. In fact, my entire family had been in the room with me all this time. I was about to ask them why they were all still awake and not asleep at this late hour when I remembered that I asked them to wait up for me. I wanted to speak to them after all.

I looked around us first and saw that I was sitting comfortably one couch all alone, while Ellie and my mother were huddled up together on the opposite couch. Damien was standing awkwardly as always in the corner closest to the door. He really needed to loosen up. But now that I think about, I think Damien only had this cold exterior when he was around me. I caught him and Ellie together earlier this week and saw him midst a full-blown laugh like the time I told him Rebecca confessed her feelings for me. It was sad he never laughed so often because he had such a contagious laugh.

I had asked my family to meet up here before I tacked the issue of sending families off to bed as I wanted to tell them something. I did get to do a lot of thinking and now with the funeral over things were going to change and change fast. My eyes then went back to Ellie who was again pulling her hair and twirling it around her finger as the anxiety of what I had to say weighed on the room. But she had no idea what I was going to say, so why was she nervous?

I had no idea how to go about telling them this, but as I took a quick glance at my mother and saw the tired look that she had on, I knew I had to make it quick. Today was indeed a long day. I had already kept them all up until this ungodly hour and there was no need to make them wait any longer.

So, I decided to go straight to the point. Thus, I once again looked at Ellie. I took a deep breath and started, "You love Damien... Damien loves you...And I cannot picture a better couple to rule this kingdom. Now, I know this sounds incredulous Ellie. But of the two of us, you listened the most when dad taught us about being royalty. I just sat down and drew to pass the time in his lessons. Besides, I am not the most social person. And before you say no, I want you to know that I never really wanted the throne. Besides, just because I was born first doesn't mean I should rule."

When I was done speaking, my mother was now sitting upright as I saw tears well up in her eyes. I didn't know why she was crying all of a sudden. I didn't mean to make her cry. So, I quickly got up and went to her hoping to dry her tears. I felt guilty enough as is. I did not need to make her cry anymore. But as I neared her, she pulled me into a hug. At first, I was shocked by her gesture. I had not hugged anyone in a long time and was unsure how to react to the gesture. After a few seconds I awkwardly put my hands on her back and hugged her back as best I could.

After a few minutes she finally let go of me and said, "I knew you never wanted to be king... When you were a child, you would complain about the lessons with your father to me and say you wanted to rather draw." She then let go of me and turned to Ellie and went on, "You, Ellie were always eager to learn. You would beg me to ask your dad to teach you too. So, I told your father to give you those same lessons just in case. But I knew that when the time came you, my girl were going to rule this kingdom. You will make a great Queen."

Ellie looked at me and without saying a word I knew what she said. And no, it had nothing to do with telepathy. Vampires did not have that ability. Although it would have been a great skill to have. Then Ellie pulled both my mother and I in for a hug as the tears rolled down her face. Damien being the awkward being he is, stayed rooted in his position. It was only when my mother called for him to come over that he joined in on the hug.

Both the women were crying as we embraced one another and somehow, I even shed a tear as well. But it wasn't stemming from sadness.

These were tears of happiness. Because I knew that no matter what happened, we were going to be okay. 



QOC: What are your thoughts on woman ruling? 

What are your thoughts on Ellie becoming Queen? Did you see this happening? If so let me know what clue gave it away in the comments.

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