New friend (13)

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Surprisingly, Becky was quite good company. She wasn't like most humans or at least what I thought about most humans. She was very easy to talk to because she seemed to know a lot about well, everything. I learnt that her full name was actually Rebecca Marshall. She lived in this village but worked at the bar in Shepal village because they paid her so well. She was very opinionated and that often lead to us disagreeing on many things. But she was also smart so, we would always eventually reach a logical agreement or conclusion. She was feisty and confident which was the opposite of most woman who I had met before. They were often shy but Rebecca was not shy.

Eventually we had left the coffee shop and went to a nearby market. We ended up eating at some African restaurant called African World. Rebecca apparently is originally from Africa. This was the first time I met someone from Africa. I have never been to Africa before, but I have heard stories about how the most powerful magic comes from that continent. Well, actually Rebecca was not born and raised there, but her father was from there. He loved this restaurant, so she comes here often when she misses him.

The restaurant is absolutely beautiful. On the walls were all these artworks lined up neatly. My favourite piece was that drawing of a woman with hair just like Rebecca's. The woman had various beads on both her hair and her neck. She also wore these earrings which were shaped like the continent of Africa. It was such a powerful image. All the seats in the restaurant were made up of colorful African material. Each seat had a different pattern and colour. Even though there were so many colours, the place still looked neat and organized. They had live music in the place where the musicians were located on a little stage in the centre of the restaurant. This made the place rather intimate. All in all, it was hard not to fall in love with this place.

Rebecca didn't directly say that her father passed away, but I understood. I was a good listener after all. Having had lost my father just recently, I could relate. So, I did what any normal person would do and comforted her as best I could. Now, I wasn't great at comforting. I was an awkward hugger at best. I just never knew what to do with my arms. I tried talking once to comfort Ellie and she literally said I should never try it again. Apparently, I should just listen. Hence I am a good listener. Shortly after the sorrowful moment, I managed to get Rebecca back to laughing again. She really had a lovely laughter.

Another plus side to having Becky as a friend meant that I could keep up with what was happening in the kingdom. Apparently Seneca didn't immediately become Queen. She hasn't even made an appearance before the people after all this time! She apparently didn't have any allies. It was just her alone. Apparently she had tapped into some powerful ancient magic. She was the last born of her covenant, so all the power of the coven resided in her. Thus she is the most powerful witch of our time. That coupled with her being a descendant of an Original Vampire meant she got the best Vampire genes as well. I still had to figure out how it was possible that she was even born. Vampires never got mated to witches as far as I knew.

She overtook the palace by orchestrating a well-planned coup that had very few casualties. Rebecca seemed to have much distaste for all things royalty, so I did not manage to get much out of here. Besides, I could not have her be suspicious of me. I still had to find out why she hated the royals. At least I knew that she did not specifically hate my family but royalty in general. I am glad she did not necessarily hate my family because it would be awkward, if I was ever to come clean to her. I wanted to keep her as a friend so, I would have to tell who I was one day.


"Well, you have been out for the whole day today and look much better than you have been for the past couple of days," Damien commented as he kept analyzing me. He was right though. I was feeling better. Being in Rebecca's presence, managed to help me forget about all my worries for some time. It was nice to escape even if it was for that short while. "Well, I made a human friend today," I responded with a smile.

Today was the first day, I had finally decided to leave the hotel room since we got here. Damien on the other hand, had been disappearing for hours on end. I never cared to know where he went to. He was dealing with the loss in his own way as was I. Besides, I had to lay low since everyone was looking for me. But I was done feeling sorry for myself. It was time to plan my revenge. And thanks to Rebecca, I now had a good idea of who exactly I was up against.

"Damien are you ready to avenge our family?"


QOC: What do you do that makes you happy? 

I read actually. I escape to a place where all my problems don't exist for a while. If only those problems actually left for good right?

 I want to hear what makes you happy so comment it and I promise I shall reply.

I hope that you Voted for the chapter before you leave

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