Not alone anymore (39)

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There was no way on earth that I was going to channel Damien. He still had so much to live for. I couldn't take an innocent life. Besides the king had destroyed enough in his lifetime already. If you asked me this was a nice way to go. He would be remembered as a hero. And literally speaking a piece of him would always live on in his son.

Damien was shouting and arguing with me to not take the king but him instead. So, I had cast a spell to paralyse both him and the king. I didn't have time to discuss this issue right now. Dimitri was dying a little more each time we wasted. I needed to work fast and so I paralysed them both. This way everyone co-operates.

I then went to the king and sat in front of him. I could feel my eyes glow as I stared at him. After saying the spell, his eyes closed and I laid him on the ground gently. I then protruded my wolf and my fingers turned into paws. I couldn't fully turn into a wolf since I was only half werewolf. But I had the full strength of one. As far as shifting went my eyes turned black, my fangs protruded and I got paws. But that was it. Nothing more. I wasn't hurt by this fact because having your bones crack and re-arrange themselves wasn't really my thing.

I then used my paws to cut the kings palm as I needed some blood from him. Then I went on to Dimitri and I pulled some blood from the same hand as his father. I proceeded to mix the bloods together and then used then to draw two circles on the ground. After that I placed Dimitri and his father each in a circle. Then I stood outside the circles and began the ritual.


After two full hours, I finally completed the spell. My body was extremely tired, but I wasn't done yet. I needed to find Seneca. Dimitri wasn't going to wake up anytime soon and Damien had fallen asleep on the ground. I guess it was just me and her now.

So, I followed Seneca's scent and eventually found her in plain sight. I was rather surprised that she had no spell around her chambers. With her whole overtaking, I would assume she would be the most cautious person ever. But I guess I was wrong. I then entered the room and found her lying down on the bed. I looked at her and it was clear that Dimitri didn't go down without a fight.

"You are a mixed breed too," She said speaking first. She wasn't looking at me as she kept her head facing sideways. I almost thought that she was paralysed too.

"Why haven't you healed," I asked her. She was part vampire so she should have healed by now. It was one of the coolest thing about vampires. I always wanted that ability. I used to be a very adventurous kid and so I spent most my days healing from all the dumb stuff I tried out.

"I am a mixed breed too. So, I don't exactly have a beast," she responded. That explained her current state. Then she added on, "And I am too weak to use magic right now."

I had come here with the intention of killing her, but now that I stood in front of Seneca, I no longer wanted to do so. After all I could not help but see myself in her. She was a 'freak' just like myself. She lost her family in the war just like me. She was all alone just like me. She had to stay hidden just like me. That is why I could not kill her. She is probably going to be the only person who understands me. Who knows the full weight of this secret that I bear. And that was all I had ever wanted in life.

"Why?" I found myself asking her. I needed a reason. Something to tell myself to make myself understand. I was desperate for a reason to let her live. I needed to know that I wasn't the only one in the world. I was tired of doing this life thing alone and I was faced with a choice. I finally had a chance. Maybe this was why I was pulled towards James. Perhaps it was not to meet him but to meet Seneca. It was a mere fact that we were both broken but surely it was better to be broken together than alone right? Not to mention the fact that I could really use a friend right about now.

"I didn't want to kill him. I do not want the crown either. I hate the council. They want me dead. So, why would I want the throne? I just wanted him to confess. I lost both my parents in the war... I was just a kid and he was afraid of me... My dad said that I was never to trust anyone, but I trusted him. He promised me a family. That I could finally meet my siblings and I was so desperate to fit in somewhere that I trusted him. But he took me to the council instead. Luckily, I knew quite a bit of magic...Anyways just go ahead and kill me already," she finished off and turned her face away from me.

"I also had lost my parents because of him. I also wanted him dead and well... now he is dead," I finished off feeling proud of myself.

Seneca was so surprised by my final words that she tried to get up, only to lie back down from the pain.

"You did what?" she asked incredulously.

"I killed him and I think you and I need to leave right now before they come for our heads. I've knocked everyone out so, we can walk out the front gate since you well injured and all," I said. 



QOC: What are your thoughts on Rebecca helping Seneca? 

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