Doesn't make sense (26)

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AN: Please do vote for this chapter, I would appreciate it very much


When I finally got back to the pack house, the sun was fully risen. I don't know how long I spent wondering in the forest but with the way the sunrays were hitting my skin, I knew it was somewhat close to noon. The sun rays kept trying to creep past the luscious thick forest leaves to land on my glistening skin. I was rather grateful for the birds constant chirping in the forest. I was in no mood to be drowned in silence. It would just lead to me stressing over things I couldn't even fix. But being lost in this humongous forest at this hour of day felt relieving. I was just another person without a worry.

Somehow after calming down and just being in the moment, thoughts of Rebecca can to my mind. I knew without a doubt that Rebecca would have loved this place. She had said that there was something calming about being in a forest. I of course disagreed with her when she said so. But now having experienced this, I couldn't agree more with her. I could only hope that she was doing well. I really could use one of our chats right now. Even though I knew how the conversation would go. I would tell her that my best friend was dating my sister and she would scold me for not being happy for them. She would make me see reason. And I needed to see reason right now, because I still couldn't seem to accept the fact they were actually together.

As I approached the pack house, I could hear the wolves training in the distance. Some wolves were in wolf form while others were in human form sparing. Did they do this every single day? I guess this was why wolves were always in good shape. Most of the ones I had seen so far were all muscled up. I thought it was only the males but clearly I was wrong. All the males were gathered to the one side of the field as the females were gathered on the other side. There were no kids outside so, it was only the older wolves who trained. And boy did they train intensely. As I finally existed the forest and entered the open field I noticed most of the wolves tensed up.

I was in no mood to care right now. Besides I wanted to let out my frustration and what better way to do so than spar. But then I heard Damien calling me, "Dimitri! Dimitri can we talk?" I wasn't ready to speak to Damien yet. I had pent up rage that needed to be released first. If I was to speak with him I would most likely end up taking it out on him. But here he was asking me to talk. "What do you want?" I asked as my fingers itched to connect with his face. It annoyed me greatly that he wasn't even ashamed of himself. Ellie is my baby sister for crying out loud!

"I know you probably mad," he started but I had enough already, "Mad you say. Oh no... NO! I'm not mad, Damien. I want to beat the shit out of you! She is my baby sister for crying out loud. The only reason you are still alive is because you were once my friend...But then again you were just trying to get close to MY SISTER!" I was now full blown screaming at him. Luckily we were sort of far from where the wolves were. But I knew that the wolves still heard us from the distance. I wasn't really being quite after all.

"And I love her, Dimitri. I never meant to. But I do love her... I tried to ignore it before but I'm done doing that. I'm just sorry that I hadn't told you this sooner," he said almost sounding sorry.

I needed to get away from him. My beast was on edge and his presence was not making matters any better. Besides, I had bigger things to think of like finding a witch that would be willing to help me. So, I turned around and went back into the forest once again. I needed to calm down after all.


I was successfully avoiding everyone as I refrained from going to the pack house. I thus spend my day at the lake. It was peaceful here. Peace was something I had not felt in a long time and I was certain, I wasn't going to feel any other time soon. So, I took this opportunity to indulge myself in peace. After all, I knew that I was about to take on a suicide mission. So, I might as well have this moment. I thought of just remaining in refuge but that isn't me. I couldn't just let things go. One way or another, I was going to fight for my throne. Even if I had to do it by myself. I also just wasn't ready to speak with everyone yet.

"I have been looking everywhere for you," Ellie said pulling me from my thoughts. I knew what she wanted to talk about and I wasn't exactly ready to discuss it yet. "I don't want to talk," I replied. I knew that she wasn't going to stop but I had to try. Ellie was persistent. It was how she got everything she ever wanted.

So, as much as I didn't want to speak right now, I knew that she wasn't going to let it go. "But I love him Dimitri. I need you to understand that." I didn't respond so, she went on, "It wasn't a love at first sight thing... It started when you would leave with dad on those trips to the villages. I was bored on my own and so I forced him to be my friend. You know how stiff Damien is so it wasn't easy. But then he slowly came around. The one time, I even made him play tea with me just to taunt him," she said and laughed at the memory. I watched my sister as she told the story and couldn't ignore the way her eyes gleamed as she spoke.

It was too late to stop this. I loved my sister and I wanted her to be happy and if he made her happy them so be it. My best friend and my sister. Well ex-best friend.

Since, I still didn't speak or leave she went on, "It wasn't a rapid love either. Somehow, Damien and I were more alike than we thought. I started telling him things I would normally tell you and with time he opened up to me too... One day he had gone out with you on some trip with dad. It was then I knew it. I missed him terribly while he was away and it doesn't take a genius to know that I had fallen for him." She was now tearing up. I hated seeing my sister cry, so I hugged her in an attempt to stop her from crying. Besides I was now really good at comforting people with all the practice I got with Rebecca. "Ellie please stop, I understand," I caved in. I guess life didn't always have to make sense.



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